Physical evidence of a working against me

Hello all,

This is quite serious but it seems there was something sent after me I have photos 1 to be shown here. But basically something was sent after me and I could not be more serious about this.

There is a scratch or cut about a foot long on my buttocks that manifested out of thin air and had a burning sensation to it for reasons of decency I won’t post it. But I’m curious what the community would think about this.

Please look at the picture any real help would be appreciated.


I see claws and a black face (edit: just saw this too, yellow oozing eyes and a putrid smell) with fangs and a very sickening feeling attached to it. Have you spoken with Barron samedi and mama brigit about who it would be sent from? I see more a rouge practitioner over a malevolent happenstance run in. It makes my head dizzy.

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This one looks like a burn. Like a hot iron was pressed to your skin. No nails human or animal could have done that.

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It looks like claws from the reverse side. To me at least.

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The lower one? Don’t he’llhound cue and burn? That would match what you see vision wise.

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Honestly I have no clue about hell hounds out side of the wheel of time books.

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The burning Feeling makes me think of heel hound attack. If larger one wasn’t in such an awkward place it would help to see.

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There seems to be some sort of issue with a couple of other member also being under attack recently from things beng sent their way. This may be a servitor of someone who does not like what the mages on balg are doing.

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Look into the shadow it is still there it’s definitely a dog or wolf looking thing.

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It does look like that. Or a skull of some kind of large animal. Hmmmm i wonder who or what that would relate to.

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It’s someone’s o would think. They do the bidding of their masters.

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The burn per se is on my butt about a foot long. Hot hot hot feeling when it attacked me then I noticed these two markings in the picture which are separate


So when I see what you just said. I think you but is the crawls and these the teeth like a true attack. I am not sensing it to kill. But it will bet you up. I can’t seem to track where it came from. I almost wonder if this is someone not here but in your personal life?

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I have a magus friend in my city. I know it’s him. It is just worth asking what the community here sees in the picture and he has mentioned hell hounds before and is an adept like me, he’s very very pissed off at me for something I did.


Ok, that makes a lot of sense. Good news is he doesn’t want to kill you, but I would try to make peace. Since what ever you did brought out the hounds literally.


Did one of your readings put someone on the right path and this could be retribution?

I’d first ask him if he did anything against you, judging from his response you will be able to find the proper path forward.

It could be his spirits lashed out without his command simply because you were the source of his anger.