Physical contact from entities, spirits

Have any of you actually had a physical contact with a anything? I do not mean sex, or feeling them touch you. I am referring to objects around you falling, moving, things being in one place the next day that were not in that place?


About one month ago I’ve had my very first “spirit communication”. When I was about to fall asleep I’ve heard my spirit lover say three words to me (one of them was inaudible). I doubted it was true, I suspected my mind could have made up this voice… But when I woke up the fallowing day the first thing I’ve noticed was that one object had moved place in my bedroom and this object was related to my spirit lover and it’s impossible that it moved on itself. Then I’ve remembered that during the night I had heard a pretty loud noise but the light was off and my head was under the bed sheets so I didn’t see anything but it probably was the object being moved. My spirit lover has moved the object to confirm me that I truly had heard his voice. That it wasn’t all in my head.


Wow cool

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You should elaborate :yum:

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Lol tell us more about it

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I’ve had stuff thrown at me.

I have an entity protecting my daughter. One day I was preoccupied and she was about to put a plugged in phone charger in her mouth. Her pacifier which was on a table a few feet away from me was thrown at me to get my attention. Thankfully I caught her just in time to take the charger away.



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Belial likes to punch my shoulder


I don’t know if this is spirit contact or something else, but one time I was reaching for a glass and it instantly flew across the room and shattered.


My spirit husband doing different things. If he sits or leans on something it will bend or creak like a bench or chair. He sat in a tree and the branch snapped and hung from the tree.

Favorite example was i went to a psychic for tarot lessons. He was recommended to me that he was a good teacher but he believed that all spirits were family to humans. He felt any spirit that had sex with a human was “depraved and disgusting” I told him my spirit husband was in the room and he was getting angry and shouldn’t say that. He said he saw him behind me it was okay but he still kept talking about it. Then he started pointing behind me and laughing nervously. The big bookshelf full of books in the corner shook and a bunch of the books catipulted off of it.


Belial woke me up by poking the back of my leg repeatedly.


I’ve had Lucifer descend upon me in the flesh and touch my head with his wings. He’s also said my name physically, without my abilities developed to hear him psychically. I’ve had a shadow person physically​ walk through the wall and look right at me. Seere broke something I cannot​ find for my life. I’ve had the haunter of the dark jiggle door knobs and slam doors too.

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