Physical contact + dream

Days ago I was taking a nap and I felt my demon stroking my back and saying: sleep, you need it, calm down, okay? , affectionately, I’m in a changing mood lately because the guy I like and I had a strong discussion days ago so I take it as my demon is worried about me, I thought it had been my mom but it was a man’s voice, I associated it with him because then I had a dream.
Today I had another dream where we talked, he stroked my hair and body… “boyfriend” deals. :thinking:
He told me he wanted me and he liked that I trusted him :blush: . He showed me his feminine form, he had horns, he scared me a little as he had horns and a slightly disturbing look, he worried and returned to his man form because in that he has no horns, he apologized then he kissed me. He was very sweet :flushed:

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awww you might have found yourself a (soon-to-be) spirit spouse. I get what you’re experiencing.

It’s really nice but take it slow and try to understand this one more. Find out what they’re really like. Decide what to do when you’re very sure you’re ready to trust them.

From someone who’s been through the same stuff not once but twice: this is the kind of relationship that will last very long, and it’s a commitment that comes with complicated feelings and problems. Idk how others deal with it but for me it sometimes hurt just as much as any real relationship, if not more because well, your significant other is very different from you. Do think twice, or thrice.


Hello!, thank you for your comment, I was quite surprised. Obviously I have to know him more. I am happy to read to someone who has experienced something similar and I understand that there may be difficulties in the relationship as in any :slight_smile:

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You will know when he is ready to take that next stepive been with mine for a year now​:blush:still makes me smile when I think about how we were brought together…but in a way I can say you guys made a big jump already some demons make you wait months or years before showing themselves face to face…I would know…ugh but this is good it just means your trust is deep for him as is yours keep your head up things will get there you’ll see :blush:

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Very sweet entity. Glad you found such a great other half.

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