Petition work

I am working towards petition work with Lucifer. I know what my desire will be for my petition, what I want to know what you did as you performed the petition ritual…I am just gathering information ready for this


I used to do the regular letter system. I spent some time figuring out how to do that without having to burn the paper, and I received some suggestions about that, such as just ripping it apart with the intention of sending the request/finishing the ritual (from an Azura Dragonfeather video which was unrelated to demons, but the method was the same), Later I found that everything was easier with cards, thus I learned how to do my rituals with tarot cards.
Depending on the demon, if you have a relationship with him you won’t need rituals, just having the intention to make contact will do the trick, or if you have a succubus, you can ask her to patch you through almost anybody. Also, if you have a relationship with a demon, he will probably help you without the need of being asked to. My advice is that you should be open to the best possible result for you, not necessarily what you literally wanted.

Bonus: You can just put a pendulum over the demon’s sigil and talk to him and ask things, including petitions, it’s a beginner friendly yet effective technique.

I take the things you have discussed above is made easier since I have strengthened my bond with Lucifer through a blood offering. I looking to to work my petition into an evocation. I have to up my game if I am going further along the LHP

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Also, you can make things easier by asking your Higher Self to do some parts of the ritual for you, such as the banishings and overall formalities

I used to print the sigil and write my petition , however , they are no different than prayers , so nowadays all I do is pray