Permanent gnostic state

Is it possible to achieve a permanent gnostic state? I personally have a hard time reaching the gnostic state and was wondering how the gnostic state works but more specifically what would happen if a person were to be in that state for long periods of time?

Is the person operating from the astral or etheric body rather than the physical body when they are in this state?


A permanent trance state like this would be bad. You become increasingly suggestible the deeper you go into the trance state, and I shouldn’t have to explain why that is a bad idea.

Get good at dropping into the trance state quickly, and it will serve you better.


Read EA’s book Ipsissimus for the story of when he was blissed out for months. He was homeless, sleeping in the park and lost all connection with the physical world. He had to contact his Ascended master teacher to find out how to come out of the state, because he could barely function.


Will do

Will do as well sounds crazy lol