People that left Christianity or another religion, was guilt a factor?

I think you misunderstand me. I refer to people who only live it on Sunday’s when they are in church. Those actually living it to the best of their ability all of the time, I don’t consider the same as those who only do once a week, or once a month or once a year. As someone who did my best to live what I believed, I think I know what I mean, but I could be describing it wrong, I guess.

As far as the rest goes, you are more than welcome to your opinion, though I disagree, I don’t see anything productive in discussing it at length as I am not a participant in Christianity any longer, and it honestly doesn’t effect my day. Most of my family and my 14 year old are very into their faith, and that’s fine for me :slight_smile:

I don’t blame god; I blame people for twisting/manipulating ideas via religion.



I agree, and I can think of other hypocrites. An acquaintance of mine brings up religion to try to make me feel guilty. That in itself is hypocritical as Christians aren’t supposed to judge. This person also says that all gay people will burn in hell. They do these things, because they are spiritually oppressed or perhaps their soul (and psychic senses) are just dormant from not using them.

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It depends on how you practice your faith. I’m not a fan of religion in general, but I’ve seen many people who gain an amazing amount of personal strength from their religion, and use it for helping themselves and others.

Maybe you shouldn’t transfer your own bad experiences to a religion that includes millions of people and hundreds of different movements?

Why do you think that? Because of Matthew 7,1 where it says “judge not, that you be not judged”? Maybe people should stop always taking things out of context. If you read further, it says “First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
This passage does not tell people to not every criticise other peoples’ behaviour, but to judge yourself first before you make judgement about others.
Jesus also tells christians to be discerning when it comes to false teachings and false prophets. And we all know what the bible says about homosexuality.
Please be aware that I’m not a bible fanatic, I’m not even a christian, but I don’t like it when things are taken out of context.


This is the whole problem with religion. Almost Every idea can be reversed, i.e., the whole religion is easily manipulated. You’re better off freeing yourself from the religion to manipulate yourself, i.e., master yourself. Ofc, you could stay with the religion if you are aware of this and don’t let yourself get sucked into the lies.

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Yes, as I said, it depends on how you practice your faith.

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Was raised as Christian orthodox. But I didn’t move away from Christianity cause I was guilty of the things I did. It definitely played a role, but that wasn’t all it. Most of the “rules” that were legislated upseted me cause they were way to restricting and dumb actually. I had gone through a period of “guilt” as you say about my sexuality. But I quickly got over that

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I agree. How do people of the church assume this role to make rules we must follow when they’re just people? My former catholic church says it’s a “mortal” “sin” to forgo going to church on Sunday. I say, “WTF?, God didn’t create that rule so who cares?” I believe it’s a greater sin to make up rules acting like you’re some kind of god.

Agreed. But I’m not that surprised, the church has always used Christianity to profit, no need to mention the times. But the fact that they present the religion as good and loving full of light really makes me wanna puke. Some say, that’s just the church, Jesus never said any of em. But the believers consist this religion yk

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I was a Christian before dedicating myself to this path entirely. I made the choice after I had a problem that almost drove me to suicide. I tried to talk to someone at the church and instead of guiding me and helping me, I was picked apart and judged for my sin. :roll_eyes: Was told I was feeling that way because I was a sinner and God wouldn’t help me until I changed my life. I sought help in a few other places and was just judged, I never received the help I needed. Why would God not help me when I needed him the most, and why all the judging & guilt tripping from his followers???

So I just made the decision to leave and do my own thing. I felt guilt at first, because of the “Don’t have any Gods before me” (paraphrasing) but not anymore.


For myself, it was not about guilt but more about the rampant hypocrisy that I saw going on in the community around me, and in a larger part, the United States as a whole. My eyes were opened by the greed, racism, and elitist attitudes of Old Testament Bible Thumpers who only got the biblical hatred part and none of the forgiveness or love they preach.

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This is with all faiths, even in occult textbook information can also be reversed and manipulated as seen heavy in LHP and RHP practices.


Of course christians tell us jesus loves you god loves you what ever the flavour of the month is at that time. But you will burn in hell for all eternity if you don’t do as he tells you. sounds more like mafia or similar
I prefer the real Gods that teach you lessons when you fuck up, at the point you fuck up and then allow you to move on with out that evil empty threat obove your head scaring the living shit out of you when you were eight years old Happy Magick

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I totally agree and can extend this further > almost everything in our lives are like this, i.e., politics and (non-political) debates, etc.


I’m so sorry you had to go through this. But at least it led you somewhere much nicer

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yes gulit was part of it but mostly it’s because i knew the brainwashing stystem expecially in my chruch that happened, where we weren’t allowed to marry anyone outside of our caste as we came from another country to India wayy back in time and got royal rights from the king in this state (eg: duke etc not king also no i don’t wanna share which state i’m from so that’s why i said just the word state) so we believe that to keep our royal blood we should only marry our people which is toxic as i think people should be allowed to love whoever they want and on top of that no matter how much i prayed it just felt useless. Even when i was young i just knew the chruch was bad as i used to always question religion. I think people should love or believe in whatever they want but they shouldn’t force their ideas or beliefs onto others. (it’s ok to talk about ideas and beliefs but it shouldn’t be to make the other person forcefully believe in whatever the other person believes in)


In the Christian Churches you can find the biggest Satanists preaching about Jesus Christ. A full Christian is a dedicated Satanist. From time to time if I want to learn about Satan and stuff I go to a Christian Church on Sunday.


One only needs to know: conform as a sheeple drone


Confront and oppose.

The rest is creative story narrative to put into the story book you write. You are your own god after all. You grow to lights until you become aware that you are a light. How bright is up to you throughout the story.

All are great reads in the great archived library.

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Rofl. This is so true in ways.

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Walking away was the easy part for me. I have always received messages to follow the way of spirituality but my family were the ones who were holding me back and using scare tactics to keep me in the religion. It was so many things that I didn’t morally agree with so I didnt want to believe in something that I didn’t wholeheartedly believed in.

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