Patterns used for baneful works

I am interested to hear about experiences that people have by using patterns to amplify energy.

For example, in one of Charles Cosimano’s books, he indicates that you can use the image of a Hexagram and then put an image of any person inside there, and then put a sigil of a spirit on top of that image to cause an effect. The hexagram will amplify the energy of the spirit sigil to effect the photo or image of the person in the pattern.

Another example is an amplifying pattern, which is basically a pattern with a lot of circles around the pattern, the more circles the stronger the effect will be.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

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The best thing I can think of is to get a picture of an enemy, or a rogue politician, business person, celebrity, etc. then put a picture of one of the items like the hexagram onto the photo of the person. According to Cosimano, it could be a photo of a war, dead bodies, accidents and anything that has death, pain, and suffering energy in the photo.
Even a picture of fire to put on a picture of an enemies house, which could increase the chance of the house catching on fire. (According to Cosimano).
These are just some possibilities I can think of from what Cosimano described. There are lots of possibilities.

Thanks a lot. Now that you mention it, I actually realize that the possibilities are endless.

Do this with the Two Minutes Hate ritual. You’ll have a more amplified, powerful curse indeed!

Loosen up on your idea of patterns. I’ve got a solid hex based on the pattern of a house of cards. Every time you build a house of cards, it comes tumbling down. That’s a pattern. A simple clear pattern with not much else diluting it.


This two minutes hate ritual is awesome. Thanks so much, I never knew about it.

This is what I love about the BALG forum, it is amazing to learn so much from other people. I can see that this hate ritual can really amplify things. Thanks!


Thanks, you are right, I have been too fixed on the idea of patterns, I understand what you mean. Thanks.

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