-!+ Past Life Regression -!+

Has anyone had any experience’s, or know anyone that can see what we were before we incarnated in this body?

I’ve been having torrents of information hitting my brain, and I would really like to find some clarity.

I’m just lighting a candle, and seeing what it attracts.

Anyone have suggestions?

Brianstalin has interesting analysis. He may assist.

Website: http://brianstalin-home.blogspot.com

[i]Meditation is the key to a powerful, clear and focused mind. New Age practices emphasize the extreme importance of not exceeding 30 minutes of meditation. However, it can take up to 3 hours of meditation before the mind even starts to settle down.

Even a skillful meditator requires extra knowledge and skills to make use of his/her newly focused mind.

As the mind learns to tune into new levels of consciousness, new challenges and temptations present themselves. It’s very easy to be swayed by ego, spirit guides, ascended masters and even Satan, himself.

A guide who has traversed the treacherous path to awakening is, therefore, essential!

Self-proclaimed psychics, mediums, channelers etc. can be great obstacles for the unwary.

The Path of Liberation involves freeing ourselves completely from all forms of programming and mind control - both internal and external.

For a past life reading or introduction to psychic awareness, send me an email.

[email protected]

All preliminary readings are free![/i]



[quote=“Gnosis, post:1, topic:3417”]Has anyone had any experience’s, or know anyone that can see what we were before we incarnated in this body?

I’ve been having torrents of information hitting my brain, and I would really like to find some clarity.

I’m just lighting a candle, and seeing what it attracts.

Anyone have suggestions?[/quote]
this knowledge is stored into subconsious.and is locked for our own sanity.you are seeking answers outside the magical field.maybe the torrents of info you have,coming directly from your subconsious or your overself.before you were born,you were in the astral with your guides,planing your lessons in this life…you are the one who decided his faith.not god or everyone.after this the higher beings erased your memory(it’s an act of mercy)and you were born…this hapened many times.we just can’t remember.everytine we incarnate in earth we chose our path.others are here to experience pain and sufering.you have to put your hand in the fire to know what fire is.this is the only way to meet with fire…
the main pont is that your overself wants to gather experience.good or bad it doesn;t matter…we tend to forget the good experiences and remember only the bad ones…this is because the only way to learn,is the hard one…otherwise we could stay in the astral without going this shity procces of life and death everytime…

[quote=“dron, post:3, topic:3417”][quote=“Gnosis, post:1, topic:3417”]Has anyone had any experience’s, or know anyone that can see what we were before we incarnated in this body?

I’ve been having torrents of information hitting my brain, and I would really like to find some clarity.

I’m just lighting a candle, and seeing what it attracts.

Anyone have suggestions?[/quote]
this knowledge is stored into subconsious.and is locked for our own sanity.you are seeking answers outside the magical field.maybe the torrents of info you have,coming directly from your subconsious or your overself.before you were born,you were in the astral with your guides,planing your lessons in this life…you are the one who decided his faith.not god or everyone.after this the higher beings erased your memory(it’s an act of mercy)and you were born…this hapened many times.we just can’t remember.everytine we incarnate in earth we chose our path.others are here to experience pain and sufering.you have to put your hand in the fire to know what fire is.this is the only way to meet with fire…
the main pont is that your overself wants to gather experience.good or bad it doesn;t matter…we tend to forget the good experiences and remember only the bad ones…this is because the only way to learn,is the hard one…otherwise we could stay in the astral without going this shity procces of life and death everytime…[/quote]

Yes, I’ve come to the conclusion that deep meditation is the only way to resolve this.

I have certainly put my hand into the fire, most deliberately, to experience that which I needed to, but now for the the flame to explode and reach the next stage of the journey there are certain things that must be recalled, for the goal to be accomplished.

Keys must be unlocked for this to go forward. It is inevitable.

The next level of the Matrix calls. Sanity is out the window.

I was a necromance in my past life. Must be why I am so cursed in this life…

It’s the kind of stuff taught in core shamanism, as a method of healing. My two greatest injuries in this life, one life-threatening, echoed fatal wounds in past lives, and it’s often the case someone’s vulnerable in an area where they were afflicted before.

I know I’m always on about CS but it really does have a multitude of uses, and it’s more or less free of paradigms amd moralities because it’s a mish-mash of the techniques found in various cultures, devoid of too many cultural or sociological attachments.

In that method, it could be done in a variety of ways: one method is to travel to the shamanic “Upper World” and seek out someone’s Higher Self, and ask them or travel to the “Lower World” and seek out a spirit who’ll show your the former lives, and stuff related to dying, or the “Middle World” (energetic parallel to this one) and travel back to the moment of death or whatever else in previous lives… one thing taught in psychopomp training is to travel to the moment just after your own death (to come) in this life - don’t try and see the circs, for various reasons, but follow the progression your own soul will take into whatever afterlife awaits you personally.

I’ve done some of these and healed a huge chunk of my “self-esteem” issues by finding things I did in the past where I was still carrying a burden of guilt, and making amends such as I could for them, and I’ve also done it on other people - cured one lady of a severe nicotine addiction that related to her death in a previous life, helped another one with lifelong health problems caused by a battle wound.

That’s all I have on this but I know someone hypnotised my mum and she gave an account of her former life, and the resonances between stuff this complete stranger told her and her actual life this time round were beyond spooky, and well into “Yup, this is real” territory. So there’s lots of methods, some might be couched in love & light terminology but they work nonetheless.

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Thank you everyone for your suggestions.

This is going to be a long process for me, but it must be done.

Imagine…no countries…no religions…just BE…

Love yall


Guns N’ Roses - November Rain

i found one useful text about this…

Our subconscious is usually quite difficult to reach, difficult
to plumb. If we could easily reach our subconscious we could
at all times find out what other puppets of ours were doing in
other worlds, or in other parts of this world, and that would
lead to very considerable confusion, alarm, and despondency.
For example, think—today you have done certain things, but
if you could get into your subconscious and find yourself living
the life of another puppet of yours who had done the same
thing last week or who intended to do it next week, it would
lead to quite amazing confusion. This is one of the many
reasons why it is so very difficult to tap into the subconscious.
At times things happen whereby there is an involuntary
breakthrough between the conscious and the subconscious. It is
a serious matter indeed, so serious that it is usually dealt with
in a mental home. It leads to all sorts of psychotic conditions
because the poor wretched sufferer is unable to determine
which is the body in which he is supposed to reside.
Have you heard of the book The Three Faces of Eve? A
woman was possessed by three different entities. The whole
thing has been written about by quite a number of reputable
doctors and specialists who presumably know what they are
writing about.
Have you read the story of Bridie Murphy? That is a
similar case. Again a person was possessed by another entity,
or in other words, there was a breakthrough in the subconscious
from one puppet to another.
Then we have the matter of Joan of Arc; Joan believed that
she was a great leader, that she had messages from higher
sources. Joan of Arc, a very simple, uneducated country girl,
turned into a warrior and a leader of warriors because the
Silver Cords between two puppets became tangled and Joan
received impulses designed for a man in a different body. For
a time she acted as that man, as that leader of men, as that
great warrior, and then when the lines were untangled her
powers failed and she was once again the simple country girl
who had to pay a penalty for temporary, and mistaken, fame;
she was burned to death.
In the case of the victim of The Three Faces of Eve a
multiple breakthrough, or breakdown, occurred and the poor
woman was placed in unwilling contact with other puppets
controlled by the same Overself. These other puppets were in
a similar condition, they also suffered this breakthrough and as
a result there was complete chaos. It is the same when you get
two or three puppets and you are careless or inexperienced or
let your attention wander, the cords become entangled, you
pull a string which should control Puppet A, but because of
the tangle you might cause Puppet B to kick and Puppet C to
nod its head. In the same way, when you get a breakthrough
between the conscious and the subconscious, an uncontrolled
breakthrough, that is, then you get interference from and with
others who are being controlled by the same Overself.
Bridie Murphy? Yes, that also is true, that was a breakthrough
into the subconscious and again a tangling of cords
and a transference of impressions.
Joan of Arc, as we have seen, was a simple country girl
without education of any kind. She spent long periods alone in
contemplation, and in one such period she quite accidentally
broke through to the subconscious. Probably she did a special
breathing exercise without even knowing it, because all this
can be done deliberately and under full control. Anyway, she
broke through to the subconscious, crossed strings with another
puppet, and really got into a mess. She had all the impulses of
a warrior, and she became a warrior, she wore armor and rode
a horse. But what happened to the poor fellow who was intended
to become a leader, did he develop womanly traits?
Well, if we speculate on that we can lead ourselves to all sorts
of unfortunate conclusions. But—Joan of Arc became a leader
of men, a warrior hearing voices from the sky. OF COURSE SHE
DID! She was picking up impressions from the Silver Cord
which, after all, is only our puppet string. Think of that, our
puppet string. We have a Silver Cord that is also mentioned in
the Bible where, as you may remember, in the twelfth chapter
of Ecclesiastes it is said, ‘Or ever the sliver cord be loosed or
the golden bowl be broken or the pitcher be broken at the
fountain or the wheel broken at the cistern.’
People write about time and relativity, parallel worlds and
all that, they use such big words that even they do not understand
what they mean. But possibly you have got the general
idea from this chapter. Remember, all this is true, all this is
absolute fact and one day in the not too distant future
science will break down a few barriers and a few prejudices,
and will realize the truth of—parallel worlds.

Lol, YES!

That’s it exactly Dron!

This awareness is fully aware of the parallel awareness. I can sense the others, I can sense their moves being made as I move.

The synchronicity that is occurring for me seems to want to match up to them, we are supposed to meet in unison at some time in the future, to fulfill the goal, we each have to accomplish our goal, for mine to be accomplished I must open a door that only one of my past lives has opened.

Time is but an illusion, I have to remind myself of this, I have unlimited time.

The story of Joan of Arc…wow…wow…you just felt that in me, didn’t you?

The time is soon, all must be prepared for what must come to pass.


2And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 2"Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. 2And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 2Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, and some to shame and eternal contempt.
3Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 3And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. 3"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. 3And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. 3Those who are wise will shine like the bright expanse of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."
4But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." 4But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

actually this was a quote from a book.not my personal knowledge or experience.but i believe it’s true.the author knows what he’s talking about…the overself can have more than one body to handle…if you can sense your other selfs,then what can i say…

I’M JEALOUS…(but also i’m happy for you)…

this is also very interesting to understand the nature of the overself.

Man is nine-tenths subconscious and one-tenth conscious.
You have probably read quite a lot about it because the whole science of psychology is devoted to the various facets and idiosyncrasies
of Man’s subconscious. Remembering that Man is
so little ‘conscious’ does it not occur to you what a shocking
waste of time it is for a powerful, powerful Overself, gifted
with all manner of abilities and talents, pulsing with the power
of a more vibrant world and of a different way of life, who
comes to this world laden with troubles and obstacles, and then
to function at, at most, one-tenth of its ability? Supposing you
had a motor-car, oh, let us say an eight-cylinder car because
there do not seem to be any ten-cylinder cars to make the
allusion more exact—let us say we have an eight-cylinder car,
then, just for the purpose of this illustration.
We have this eight-cylinder car, but we find that it is working
on one cylinder alone, seven cylinders are not in any way
contributing towards the function of the car, they are in fact
holding it back even more because of the inertia. The performance
is deplorable. But think of it in terms of human existence;
mankind is like a ten cylinder car only one cylinder of
which works, the other nine are ‘subconscious’. Wasteful, isn’t
The Overself of a human—or any other creature either, for
that matter—does not waste energy; the Overself of a human
has a number of tasks which must be accomplished. Supposing
we have an evolved Overself who is anxious to progress to
other planes of existence, one who is anxious to go up and up
and up to different dimensions. In that case the Overself might
devote one-tenth of its ability to dealing with the body on
Earth, and the rest of its abilities might go to dealing with
bodies on other planets, or other planes of existence. Or it
might even be without puppet bodies on other planes of existence
and be moving in what one might term, pure spirit, instead.
But if the Overself is not that far evolved or has a
different scheme of operations, it might do things in a different
Supposing our Overself is more or less of a beginner, then
you can say that it is the same as a student in secondary school.
The student has to attend a number of classes instead of having
to learn just one subject, often this means that the student
has to walk to different classes or to different centers, and that
really does waste a lot of time and energy.
The Overself is in a far more satisfactory position. It is the
puppet master. Upon this world which we call Earth there is a
puppet which is the Earth body, and which functions with one
tenth of the Overself’s attention. Upon a parallel world in
another dimension the Overself could have another puppet, or
perhaps two or three, or more puppets, and it would then be
able to manipulate these between various tasks. To go back to
our student, one might say that this is like a student who can
remain aloof in his private room and send his deputies to the
different classrooms so that he can gain all the experience required
through these different sources and ‘connect them up’
Let us assume that the Overself is having to rush things
somewhat in order to catch up with the cycle of evolution.
Supposing the Overself has been a bit slow or a bit lazy, and
has had various setbacks, and this Overself does not want to be
left in the same class or state after the others have passed on,
so he has to take, in effect, a cramming course the same as a
child or older student takes extra lessons in order that he may
keep up with others who are more advanced, and so remain in
close touch with them.
The Overself may have a person living one life in Australia
and may have yet another person doing something else in
Africa. Perhaps there will be another one in South America or
Canada, or England; there may be more than three, there may
be five or six or seven. These people might never meet on
Earth and they would still be very much in affinity with each
other, they may have telepathic rapport without in any way
understanding why, but then occasionally they would meet in
the astral just as travelling salesmen sometimes meet in the
sales manager’s office.
The poor wretched Overself with seven or eight or nine
puppets would really have to get a move on to manipulate
them all at once and avoid ‘crossing the wires’. This is one
explanation of some curious dreams because frequently when
two compatible puppets are asleep their Silver Cords might
touch, and would produce an effect similar to those crossed
telephone lines wherein you hear pieces of others’ conversations
but, sadly, sadly, and to one’s immense regret, we miss
all the most interesting bits.
But what is the purpose of all this, you might ask. Well,
that’s easy to answer: By having a number of puppets the
Overself can have vast experience and can live ten lives in just
one lifetime. The Overself can experience riches and poverty
at the same time, and so weigh them in the balance of experience.
One puppet in one country could be a beggar making
a miserable living, hardly existing, in fact, while in some other
country the next puppet could be a prince gaining experience
of how to handle men and how to shape a nation’s policy. The
beggar would be gaining experience of misery and suffering so
that when his lifetime of experience was blended to that of the
prince-puppet the Overself would know of the seamier side of
life, and would know that there are at least two sides to every
In the normal course of events people would perhaps come
as a prince and then wait for another life to come as a beggar,
or the other way about, but when they are rushed for time
when any given cycle of evolution is nearing its end as is
the present case, then heroic methods have to be adopted
in order that those who are slower may yet keep up with the

Sounds like someone knows me better than I know myself.

I am changing.

I am impressed, Dron.

You just answered my questions. Now I just have to figure out, which one I am, the good one, or the bad one.

The One Trailer- Jet Li

thanks gnosis…

everyone wants to know what the soul is and if we have one…
the thing is that we are just extensions of our soul…not humans with souls,but souls with human bodies.

yeah i saw the movie.it was about paralel worlds…
you can grab something useful even from karate movies…
as for your last two lines i think i know what you are after for.
it’s a little complicated and to much science fiction for many of us,but it makes perfectly sense…
everything and everyone has its exact opposite.demons and angels,day and night,good and evil.humans and ???earth and ???..

For centuries past the Adepts of the far, far East have
known that there was an opposite world to this, the world
which in the far, far East is referred to as ‘the Black Twin’.
For years Western scientists have scoffed at such things, believing
in their ignorance that only things discovered by
Western scientists could exist, but now, fairly recently, a man
has been awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering various
things connected with the world of anti-matter.
In 1927 a British physicist discovered that there was such a
thing as a world of anti-matter, but he doubted his own work,
apparently not having sufficient faith in his own ability. But
then an American physicist by the name of Carl Anderson
photographed cosmic rays passing through a special chamber.
He found traces of an electron different from other electrons,
he found, in fact, that there were anti-electrons, and for his
discovery, which was anticipated by the British in 1927,
Anderson received the Nobel Prize. Possibly if the British
physicist had had sufficient confidence in his work he would
have had the prize instead.
It is now clear even to scientists—it has been clear to people
of the East centuries before—that a hydrogen atom and its antimatter
counterpart could make an explosion which by comparison
would make the standard atom bomb as ineffectual as
a damp squib. But let us look into this matter a little more.
All life, all existence is motion, flow, rise and fall, wax and
wane. Even sight consists of motion, for the rods and cones of
the eye merely respond to vibrations (motion) from the article
which we say we have seen. So there is nothing whatever that
is stationary. Take a mountain—it looks a solid structure, but
by different sight the mountain is merely a mass of molecules
dancing up and down, circling around each other like midges
on a summer night. On a larger scale we could compare it to
the cosmos, because in the cosmos there are planets, worlds
meteors, all circling around, all in constant motion, nothing is
still, one is not even still in death!
In the same way that a battery must have a negative pole
and a positive pole before any flow of energy can occur, so do
humans, and anything else that exists, have negative and positive
components. Nothing has ever existed which is all positive
or all negative, because unless there is a difference there cannot
be any flow of energy from one to the other, and thus life
or existence would be impossible.
Most people are unaware of the world of anti-matter just as
the negative or positive poles of a battery would not be aware
of the existence of other poles. The positive terminal of a
battery could have a direct pull towards the negative, or vice
versa, but it is highly improbable that either pole could discuss
the existence of the other.
There is the world of matter, but equal and opposite, there
is a world of anti-matter, just as there is God and there is anti-
God. Unless we have an anti-God there is no way of comparing
the goodness of God, and unless we have a God there is
no way of comparing the badness of anti-God. We who live
upon this, which actually is the negative world or pole, are at
present controlled by anti-God, the Devil, or Satan, or what
we term ‘the power of evil’. But soon the cycle of existence
will change and we shall be controlled by God, more under
His beneficent influence. We are of an alternating current system
which changes from positive to negative, and negative to
positive, just as our counterpart changes from negative to positive
and positive to negative.
All life is flow, movement, vibration, oscillation, change. All
existence is flow and change. If we examine the alternating
current system we can see that each half wave consists of a
negative cycle becoming half positive, and a half positive cycle
becoming half negative. But then they go on and instead of
becoming half negative the first becomes wholly negative, and
the second wholly positive. In our ordinary household current,
in England for example, the current changes its polarity fifty
times a second, from negative to positive and positive to negative.
In other parts of the world, such as Canada and the
United States, the frequency of change is sixty times a second.
We upon this form of existence known as the world, the solar
system, and the universe, have a cycle system of our own. Here
we travel along the stream of time just as electrons travel
along the electric stream, we travel along our conception of
time until we reach—or our Overself reaches—some much
greater existence. If you will refer to Wisdom of the Ancients
written by me, you will find that one different time cycle is
72,000 years.
But everyone and everything on Earth has a counterpart of
the opposite polarity on another Earth, in another galaxy, in
another system of time altogether. Obviously that system cannot
be close to us or there would be such a tremendous explosion
that the whole Earth, and many other worlds as well,
would be destroyed.
It is now thought that the great earth-shaking explosion
which occurred on June 30th, 1908, in the wastes of Siberia
was caused by a piece of anti-matter much smaller than a
football which had somehow got into our atmosphere. It
traveled along at truly tremendous speed, and as it slammed
into the Earth this piece of anti-matter, much smaller than a
football, exploded with a noise which was heard more than 500
miles away. People 40 miles away were thrown off their feet
with the blast and shock. So if a larger piece of anti-matter
came there would be no longer an Earth; in just the same way
as a spark can weld contacts together and so cause a short and
complete failure of an electric system, so would a larger piece
of anti-matter have caused complete failure to us.
We, then, in our present cycle and on our present world, are
of the negative cycle. Thus we have frustration, bitterness,
where the predominant force is evil. Take heart from the fact
that this particular cycle is coming to a close, and in the years
to come a fresh cycle will start in which conditions will become
more and more positive, where we shall no longer be
under the domination of anti-God, where no longer shall there
be wars, but where all shall be good; for just as now we have
wars against each other, in the cycle to come the only wars
shall be against poverty and illness, and against evil itself. We
will find that we have what can be termed ‘Heaven on Earth,’
and Overselves everywhere will be sending their puppets to
what then shall be the positive world as well as to the negative
Suppose you consider Alice in Wonderland: think of Alice
going through the mirror into a world where everything was
reversed. Supposing that you could suddenly pass through the
veil separating the negative and positive, supposing that here
on this world you were wondering how you could pay your
bills, wondering how you were going to afford to keep going,
and wondering why your neighbor disliked you so much.
Then, unexpectedly you were pushed through the veil. You
would find you had no bills, people were kind, you had time to
help other people instead of thinking about yourself all the
time. It is going to come, inevitably, it always comes, and each
time there is a reversal of cycle we learn a little more.
It is an interesting thought that if we could catch a lump of
anti-matter about the size of a pea, and we could shield it
somehow from the Earth’s influence, we could harness it to a
vast spaceship, and then by exposing just a little to the Earth’s
influence that particle, no larger than a pea, would propel the
spaceship upwards beyond this world, and out into deep, deep
space. There would then be no need for rockets or other forms
of propulsion, because that small piece of anti-matter, under
proper control, would provide complete anti-gravity matter.
Again, there cannot be good without evil because no force
would exist. You cannot have a magnet which is all positive or
all negative because no force would exist. The magnet would
not exist either! Let us imagine that the world is just a form
of magnet with magnetic fields which radiate from the Arctic
and the Antarctic, but connected to us by some bridge that we
cannot see is another world of the opposite polarity. Then we
would have the two poles of, for instance, a horseshoe magnet.
Many scientists are wondering if anti-matter means that every
single thing is duplicated on this other world. They wonder,
for instance, if there are anti-people, anti-cats, and anti-dogs.
Scientists do not know what these people are like because
scientists are people of little or no imagination, they have to
have a thing in their hands so that they can dissect it or weigh
it. It takes an occultist to give information on this particular
subject, because the competent occultist can leave the body
and get out of the body, and out of the Earth as well, and once
out of the Earth he can see what this other world is like—as I
have done so very, very frequently.
Anti-people are merely people whose etheric direction is
different from that of people on this, the world of Earth. They
may, purely by way of illustration, have a yellowish and blue
shell to the aura instead of a blue and yellow shell as here. If
you find it difficult to visualize the world of anti-matter, consider
in photography—we have a negative and we have a positive
and if we shine a light through the negative under sensitised
paper and dip the stuff in various chemicals we get a
dark patch where there was a light patch on the negative, and a
light patch where there was a dark patch on the negative.
There are certain unknown flying objects—let us call them
‘flying saucers’—which come to this Earth actually from the
world of anti-matter. They cannot come too close or they
would explode, but they are exploring just the same as we send
a rocket to the Moon, or to Mars, or to Venus.
People complain that if there was anything in this flying
saucer business the people aboard would land or would make
contact with people upon this Earth. The whole truth of the
matter is that they cannot, because if they touch down there is
an explosion and no longer a flying saucer. If you will consider
various reports you will remember that there have been incidents
when some unknown flying object, which was very
clearly seen on radar, suddenly exploded most violently as it
came within 1,000 feet or so of the surface of this world ,
exploded so violently that no trace could be found. The same
thing could happen if we could send a rocket to the world of
anti-matter. We should annoy the inhabitants considerably by
perhaps blowing a city right off their map!
There are other aspects of this world of anti-matter which
are exceedingly interesting to those who have studied the
matter thoroughly. For example, there are certain locations—
fortunately but few—on this world of ours where people can
‘slip through’ into another dimension, or into the world of antimatter.
People move to such a location which oscillates
slightly, and if they are unlucky they are transferred completely
from our Earth. This is not imagination, but is a matter
which has been proved time and time again.(bermuda triangle)

there are a few videos about what happened at tunguska…they say it was a meteor.but they didn’t found any crater or pieces of something

Tunguska Explosion 30 July 1908

I am back and now there is a topic like that… interresting.
Regression into Past Lifes is not that hard if you can get into the “right” state.
This last month I was training/teaching in an Hypnosis Workshop (my reason for being absent) and it includet Hypnotic Regression.
Some thing Practical:
Relax up to a point were you stop feeling your body.
Breath deeper and faster. (stanislav grof)
And Picture your life running backwards.
Yesterday, Last week, Last year to your first memory… keep that movement going till you “hit” your birth.
Now you have 2 options (choose before you start)

  1. Go on and see were it takes you. (mostly the most emotionaly charged event in the near past)
  2. Imagen a white room with doors lined up like in the Matrix.
    Choose a door and go throu it. (Me: Feel yourself going throu a “filter”.you can bring back Memorys, Xp, Skills and solutions but no Bad feeling or stuff that drags you down in this life.)
    Enjoy what you see and remember things you can test for ther reality.
    (Names, Sigils, everything that strikes you as strage)
    Go back throu the filter and leave problems behind even thouse you had taken to this life.
    Move up and back to the Waking state.

If you want that in HD and Professional Hypnosis text me if you are in Berlin and you will get it all for the low low Price of:
A Beer and talking about occult stuff.