Past life abilities

Is there a ritual to get all your past life senses and magickal abilities back?


Yes, called meditation and looking into your past lives and applying it to this life. The age old “ritual”


Good post, I’ve wondered.

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They are easy clues to pull the memory in. What periods of history are you most drawn too? What old fashion styles do you like or love? What countries do you love the most?


Not talking about memories. i am talking about magickal abilities and psychic senses.

That’s through memories, you can’t just pull some ability you learned in the past and automatically be able to do it here and now.


The memory lays down a solid foundation.


Has anyone found any good specific meditations for pat life memories?


There’s a fantastic guided meditation out there


That sounds great! Is it a publicly available one or in an app? :thinking:

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Nice profile pic

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Thank you! It’s much appreciated. I’ll check it out. :ok_hand:t4:

Have you had any experiences with past life memories? It’s an area I’ve been curious about but haven’t done much with yet. It sounds groovy.

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Most of my past life memories involve doing chores with water. I’ll probably remember taking a shower or swimming in a pool from this one.


No I haven’t. Talk to @SagaMysterium

Yes I’ve seen all of my past lives. They usually come up when I’m troubled with something and am looking for answers. I get the memories through dreams and visions. Meditation has really helped with this but it mostly happens by accident.


If you feel like you lost past lives abilities you can always work with Mnemosyne (the spirit of memory)


Great timing on your post. I just did that 2 hours ago. Very good timing indeed.

I’ll check out the other things you mentioned as well. I appreciate the info.

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No problem. I also love hearing about other people’s past lives, so if you ever find yourself wanting to share I’d definitely give it a read!

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There is a theory in quantum mechanics that posits that the past does not actually exist, that time is circular not linear, so “past lives” are not really past lives.

What this means if it is true, is that every incarnation would be happening simultaneously so what you are doing with any sort of past life work is really using your memory to access the collective consciousness of the Greater You, which every incarnation would be a part of.

i have never bought into all the New Age mumbo jumbo regarding past lives (the majority of people always claim to be someone historically significant, so it really makes me question the validity of the whole concept) but this idea kind of makes sense to me.

It also opens up the possibility of time travel and affecting the “past” with magick.


I think given how vast existence is everyone at one point or another lived a life as someone historically popular be it some wrote down in history, wrote out of history/or attempted to (like Egypt with one of their female Pharaohs) be it in human history or other beings history. However, lives that left a mark are of course going to be remembered first then boring lives, I was a significant female in one of my lives but my significance was only to my tribe, I was significant in my egyptian life to my family but I am unnamed in human history even though I died in war/an ambush.

So significance is pretty relative, though I do know that belief, personally I am more to the idea that past lives were once you, but the energy that lingers from that death can still be around, by this I mean if you were to be human in say the 70s, died and back here now, you go to to your grave, your energy could still be lingering there, or if you were murdered then there’s probably some residual energy from where you were killed, especially if it affected you negatively.