Paranormal experiences

I wanted to make a post about my paranormal experiences, to get someone’s opinion about if, it may be a long post so I will use bullet points to make it easier to read. I am psychic and a empath, but I don’t know how to control it, to keep my energy balanced and grounded.

  1. Since I was a teenager (13-16) I have been very interested in the occult, paranormal, I always felt drawn to anything dark, disturbing, morbid, creepy or satanic in nature. I read the satanic bible, used a Ouija board, did automatic writing, some basic spells mostly due to belief and curiosity. Some things I experienced, have no explanation.
    My nan (grandparent) mum and myself are psychic, we have precognition, both of them have had paranormal experiences as well.

  2. I heard something scratch my bedroom door, it sounded like something with claws, it sounded loud. My cat was outside so it is impossible, that it was him, but I never figured out what it was, I just heard it, I never saw it.

  3. I (for whatever reason, other than trying to prove to myself demons are real) left candles lit in the shape of a pentagram. Something (I believe it was a imp) was making my bedroom door handle move by itself a few times, it then came into my bedroom. I was terrified, since I sensed it’s presence but I never saw it, the being sat on my chest and I had sleep paralysis (I was sleeping before the door opened by itself), I could, move, or breath, I could only move my eyes. It probably only sat on my chest for ten minutes but it felt like it was a lot longer. Was this a spirit, demon or something else?

  4. After my grandparents funerals I mentally asked them if they could prove that there is life after death, then I wanted them to return. Before my granddad died I inexplicably felt very sad and depressed for no reason for a full day, I had no reason to feel like that on that particular day. I found out on that day that my grandad died.
    The house where I live with my family was haunted a few months after that, for a few months, I thought I was going crazy, at the time it was comforting and creepy. It felt like a spirit was standing in the corner of the room and staring at me, following me around the house and saying my name while standing very close to me, my mum smelt his aftershave sometimes. Once I was downstairs, the spirit was moving the door handles a few times before opening the door very slowly, I know a spirit was standing in the doorway I could feel it there. It came into the room and it became icy cold like a meat locker, so I put a blanket on myself. I still felt col, like a vortex of ice cold energy was swirling around me, it really creeper me out, so I literally ran upstairs.

  5. As a teenager for some dumb reason I wanted the devil to prove he is real by having sex with me (I have no idea where I got idea from, I have had incidents involving a incubus, or sex with demons in other incidents) I had sleep paralysis and I was raped as a teenager, I was a virgin though as at the time. I know some people will judge me, but men have been abusive to me,I have been bullied my whole life as well, so I have particular issues with men, sex, intimacy in general,before anyone tries to portray me as something I’m not.

  6. I physically felt a spirit sit next to me on my bed, I didn’t see it, but felt the indentation of it. I feel like a spirit watches me sleep, places their hand on my forehead and touches my face.

  7. My mum saw my doppleganger when I was at home all day when it happened. She has seen various spirits, including a haunted bathroom. The bathtub was full of water and a spirit came out of it and touched my mum’s shoulder while she was looking in the mirror. I was outside with my family, it scared the shit out of my mum.
    My mum dreamed about a aeroplane crashing, it was then mentioned on the news, the same exact plane.

  8. My nan had a premonition that her brother would die, then later the same day found out that he died.

  9. I sometimes smell inexplicable scents like incense or roses when I have no flowers in my room, I don’t use incense all the time due to having cats,I didn’t use any on the day that this randomly happens. I sometimes feel a weird, but light sudden whoosh of energy like a being that has wings and is flapping their wings. Apparently it’s a sign of a angel.
    Other experiences relate to relationships that were online/long distance that involved satanists, witchcraft, demons.

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I wish i could give u an answer. however, i could relate to u in terms of out of the blue smelling incense. Since, i evoked father Lucifer, i started to suddenly smell a unique smell. It was not bad or good really but it was unique. So i am not sure if when i smell it means i am sensing the Lucifer showed up or came to me let me say.

So i had to post a reply to share this just in case someone’s response has relation to my experience as well

Hmm that’s interesting, maybe you should ask them if a particular scent is associated with their presence. Ask lucifer what his/her favourite sent is, it might help you connect t with them better.
A phantom scent can be associated with spirits on general, maybe a spirit is around you. Do you feel like your being watched, or do you feel inexplicably hot or cold for no apparent reason. Do you feel lucifer touch you, to show you they are around via you feeling their energy by touch?
Not sure if I have ever been in the presence of lucifer, or but when a demon has been around, I feel their strong energy, which can feel oppressive if your not used to it, I would hear it speak in English, but whisper in my ear, I felt it touch me lightly.

I have a few questions, if it’s okay to ask. Do you see, hear or feel the presence of lucifer? Do they have a gender, wings, or black and fiery eyes? Do they appear as a beautiful man or woman, animal form to people that work with him? Do they have the power to influence people? I have met a few Satanists or particular people in my life and I feel like I was supposed to meet them if that makes sense?
How do you know lucifer or any deity accepts you, respects you?

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Well, i didn’t see a physical appearance of Lucifer, but during the evoking and me trying to manifest him into physical appearance i saw a shadow or highlight of man’s body in the smoke. The smell is interesting tbh. I think they do have the power to influnce people cause the 2 times that i contacted him before that i felt a bit nervous or a bit afraid but suddenly because of how much i am thinking of him i felt so powerful and safe out of no where to summon him. So he might have influenced my mind which if he did i am thankful for. Lastly, he touched my left thumb on the full evocation ceremony and it felt like a sting but not an electrical one but a warm one as if it was fire but it wasn’t (i am not sure how to explain it). but all what i knew i am trust him and i want to grow old being his friend and partner. Hail Lucifer

Hmm cool. I respect people’s beliefs. I would think of them as a father figure, friend, mentor, protective guardian.