Our life is predestined?

I’m quite interested in this, but everyone says something different and I already have goulash in my head
I was with a healer some time ago and she claimed that some events in our lives are really predestined and that our soul wants to experience them and learn from previous reincarnations. .Is it really true that our souls determine certain events what will happen?
I don’t know, I think it’s crazy. We have free will.

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Depends who you ask. Personally not true imo.

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Yeah I’m also not a big believer in fate or destiny. I see the future as more like a cloud of possibilities, which shrinks as choices are made the closer you get to it.

The less some options become possible, the more it feels like others are inevitable, but really they were just the likliest ones left.

I suppose you could say your energy attracts some choices over others, affecting the cloud, and your energy is influenced by your spirit, the combination being the soul. But I don’t see why it would get very specific very early on.


Karma and free will in my opinion are only lies, created to make people feel comfortable. If they were real, left-hand path practitioners, the law of assumption and etc. would not exist : )