
Also in relation, what about Tulpas/Servitors? In a way, when you make them, you have constructed them a soul as a direct result of making a thought form sentient. They act according to their own free will. Now would it then be possible for a tulpa to in fact, be embodied in living flesh as an avatar as well?

Don’t get me wrong I don’t believe they can develop one but I do believe a creator can fragment their own and give it to their egregore. Of course I don’t think fragment is a good word since it’s not breaking anything but more like giving it a piece of your own and that piece develops into its own person, it’s own soul.

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Buddy, we have a thread which some guy wanted to castrate himself and offer his severed balls to Cthulu.

You’re fine. :joy:


Why did you have to remind me of that?! I had completely forgotten it and could have happily lived out the rest of my days without remembering that someone actually made that thread.