Orobas summoning

Hi everyone,I’m Gabby and I’m from Nigeria. I read about prince orobas sometime ago and I’ve been trying to summon him ever since to help me in some Current suitation,I understand prince orobas can see the future and tell things from it and I would to love summon him so has to tell me things from the future but every time I summon him,he won’t just appear or say anything. I offered Bailey and I lit some candles and also sang his enn but he still didn’t appear or say anything tho I always feel tired or sleepy after doing this…anyone wants to tell how or what I’ve been doing wrong…pls help,it’s urgent and I’m new to all this although I’ve read alot of book about it but I’ve practice just once.

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Welcome @Bleshin It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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Here is my guide to simplified Goetic evocation. Just follow the simple steps and you to will be able to contact tge spirit you wish.


So I’m not sure how much you’ve read or who you’ve practiced with so apologies for the redundancy.

If you’re new, it’s possible that he came and you just haven’t been able to hear him or understand what he’s communicating to you. Maybe the use of a pendulum or other simple divination tool can help. I would stay away from tarot unless you have been reading cards for a while. I find my decks behave differently when spirits are present.

If you’ve been practicing for a while already, I suggest meditating before your ritual. It’s more about the mindset than it is about repeating the enn. Make sure you’re calm and ready to receive the communication coming through. Ask for a sign of presence and a sign of what will happen.

On another note, if knowing the future is the most important to you, this is a great being to work with. If a certain outcome/future is the goal of this you need to specify. While Orobas is amazing (so I’ve heard), maybe there’s another spirit who can help you get what you want instead of telling you what is going to happen currently.


Prince Orobas isn’t simply an oracle limited to telling fortunes or other parlor tricks. He’s a dignities spirit that is more than capable of lifting a person up in a variety of ways. He’s also able to procure the love of friend and foe alike. The only thing I’ve found him reluctant to do anything with is love related workings. That’s been my experience of him.:+1::ok_hand:


@Mike_Bee thanks for your comment and the guide, thanks to everyone also,I’ll work on that and give a result soon…also do I need to make a pact or something like telling him I’m going to do something for him after telling me what I need to know or it’s not a must…I need enlightment on that one … thanks

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What you work out between the two of you is at your discretion and your the boss. Having said that if you’re doing a petition spell I’d give him a cigarette and a shot of liquor. If you’re doing a full evocation perhaps a glass of wine and oats. It’s really up to you.

He and I wrapped up major project recently and I had a pizza and liquor party in his honor.

Be creative, a gift from the heart means a great deal to these spirits.


@Mike_Bee what type of incense can be used to summon orobas


Hey there @Bleshin Please don’t forget to properly introduce yourself, as you were previously asked to do. It is a rule of this forum, and required. CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


He prefers cedar incense.

What I would do is the following:

  1. Get a copy of the sigil for Prince Orobas, from a book such as Goetia or Illustrated Goetia, manually draw or trace the sigil using paper over the sigil on the screen or in the book. Use a sharpie or black marker thin tip if tracing over a laptop screen.
  2. Get the enn for Prince Orobas. Write it readable on the bottom of the seal.
  3. If providing an offering, a cigarette, a shot, a cup of black coffee and a cup of oats or oatmeal cookie.
  4. Get tealight candles, place three tea lights in a triangle, place the sigil in the center, the triangle should have one tea light facing you and two tea lights behind the sigil.
  5. Start chanting the enn until you notice a change in the room.
  6. State your petition, give an offering. Ask for help with seeing and hearing spirits. Ask for protection and guidance.
  7. After an hour, give license to depart. Dispose of offerings next day.

@Mike_Bee is it a must I use cedar incense or its optional cos incense like this are scarce here in my country…can’t I just get any other incense,nice ones???

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Use whatever you’ve got, if you can’t get cedar it’s not a big deal.

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Thanks so much @Mike_Bee

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You may use the steps and conjurations from Goetia as much as it’s feasible and you find them convincing. The magical circle may be made with a cord, or visualized on the ground around you etc. A possible core of evocation is sigil gazing: look at the sigil of Orobas in order to make contact. Then it’s possible to either repeat “Ooorooobaaas”, his demonolatry enn or the 1st calling from Lemegeton, and have him appear in the smoke of incense or through a “scrying device” such as a ball of crystal or black mirror.

Summon an entity to tell you your future- when you can learn to talk to your ancestors and protective spirits who have surrounded you from birth?

Welcome @BelladonnaWengue It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


I stand duly chastened- you being from Nigeria, my first thought was to your Bakulu…however in reading this thread Prince Orobas sounds fascinating. Is an enn considered a djinn- and where can I read more about this? Thanks!

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Hi, where can a person who just discovered this gain more information? Thank you…

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