Order Ascensum Aetyrnalis

Greetings to you All.
Samhain here.
I felt inspired to connect with those of you Already within the Order. In addition to share with you my progress ascending into the Flames. I will not give away details. What I will share is, when are are serious about ascending and really ready to take yourself on, and bring your practice and skills, to the next level. This is indeed. The path. I highly suggest, you Order this course, read the Grimoire and take yourself on. It is worth it!

My Progress~
I am now moving into the Fourth Flame. Page 59 to be exact.
Awaiting some materials to continue. My journeys have been amazing.
The meditations and Initiation are powerful. Indeed there is a difference. I have been practicing well over 20 years now. In addition to the rites of initiation, the currents and writing is Masterful!
I gotta say it EA. Well Done! This is a beautiful and powerful course. Even for the Adept/Master.
Like I said, I’m not going to provide details. I noticed an immediate shift, the moment I decided to move into this journey and currents.
Looking forward to hearing from the rest of you. Blessings.


Congrats Man! It truly is powerful. Pm me if you need help


Thank you Micah. I will indeed connect with you Brother. (Bows)

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I am currently traversing the end of the 12th flame, working the Qlippoth.

It has been an incredible journey, to say the least. Glad to have you, fellow knight.


Thank you Gnosis. I love the Qlipoth. I started waeving with the Tree of the Night last year. With Masons book. I have almost completed each Qlipoth. I love the inconsistent flow within the tree. Yet the stadegy is so very present with great structure. Unlike the Tree of life how you move from Sephirah to Sephira. Thank you for sharing Brother. (Bows)


I also started a Topic - the dark mother talking about some of my journeys.
Through the Qlipoth and Masons book.


A loving bow to you Micah.
I am entertaining The lesson of the sixth :fire:.
Felt it was important to inform you of this.
Blessinds Brother.

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Entering into the Lesson of the Sixth Flame.
Hello my Fellow Knights and Brothers. I must say, this is obe amazing journey.
The Rituals and timing are right on point. What flow and intense heat within the body. My Sigil work is going well. I have already seen results. I indeed feel a powerful connection to all of you and am fully aware this Eteral Order is vast. My blessings and love are with you.
Your Samhain.


It only gets better from here. Keep going.

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I have almost just started on it, I’m at the First Flame Lesson 2 right now.

It seems like a great pathworking that can teach you a lot. @Samhain how long did it take you to get to the Sixth Flame ? :slight_smile:

I think I heard E.A say that the whole pathworking took 7 years for him to complete xD


I move quickly. It did not take long for me. 2 months, maybe less. I also have been Practice for 20 years.

Blessinds to your journey. I am so happy for you!


Feel free to reach out anytime.


Do you have the video course? If so, how is it???

Greetings. This is a wonderful journey. Challenging in good ways. The videos are highly instructional plus entertaining. Traveling through the flames teaches you many things. Each persons journey is different. I assure you, the price is well worth it! Blessings to you. Keep us posted. Samhain Irena Crowley


Good to come across others who are also working with the Dark Tree.

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Did you download the ebook for the O.A.A.? If so, did you have any trouble doing that? Cause I just ordered it and it won’t let me download the ebook.

Email the help desk. They will sort everything out for you. Give them about 2 to 3 days.

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Still working through the lessons.

Got it taken care of, txs.

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