Opening and balancing Chakras

Regardless of test results this post is about this so i am actually gonna speak about it cause i need…what is the best and fastest way of opening the third eye ? Its like someone doesnt want it open…i do…how do i…open it ? I know there were times in my life when younger it was opened…

The best exercise for me is visualizing for hours a face I feel atraction, it takes hours to open it for me but it works. I guess there must be others much simpler but this one is efective to me

Third Eye:open(25%)

Root: under-active (-69%)
Sacral: under-active (-50%)
Navel: under-active (-12%)
Heart: under-active (-19%)
Throat: under-active (-31%)
Third Eye: open (44%)
Crown: open (12%)

Guess i’ll try that one :wink: seems easy

Thought it would be fun to re-take the quiz as it has been a month to see if there were any major changes… :wink:

Root: under-active (-6%) SAME
Sacral: open (25%) SAME
Navel: open (25%) SAME
Heart: under-active (6%) 12% increase from -6
Throat: open (38%) 31% decrease from 69
Third Eye: open (44%) 25% decrease from 69
Crown: open (25%) 19% decrease from 44