Opened my clairaudience points and this is the knowledge that Azazel gave to me

So I opened up my clairaudience chakras and infernalized them like Satan told me to do and I added in the techniques from joy of satan - link Opening and Meditating on Your Clairaudience Points
So this is what Azazel answered to my questions
1- do you have any astral weapons you can bestow upon me? - a sword :crossed_swords: of gold with infernal fire. It will transmute any energy it cuts through. I channeled that it’s called the sword of admalda.
2- how old are you? Are you older then earth :earth_africa:- yes In fact I am older then the galaxy I reside in a certain part of the astrals as that is where the infernal divine lays
3- Incantation to increase Magickal power - raldu invodu alrodal innomis
4- how should I deal with baneful sound energy?- focus on the center of it, program it and explode it outwards
Any feed back would be appreciated.


Does anyone have any recommendations of who to talk to next?


Try with my god form. The formed abyss takkalos, i can give you an incantacion to call him if you want. He is the Master of infernal abyssmal alchemy, he is a demonic King an god had the same power as the gatekeepers as they are his brothers


Can I have that incantation @Xag_darklight


“Azak ill zez’rer yaoos ir takkalos aanasta”


He started off the conversation this time he says - what you need to do is dwell within the abyss and reside within the shadows-
What does this mean?

  • form the abyss and the shadows around you-
    What knowledge can you bestow upon me?
  • I can teach you to form your self into a magnificent being-
    How would I go about doing so?
  • consume the knowledge you are given and you will be driven into solitude and darkness- @Xag_darklight

Absorb and Explore the darkness learn to be with the shadows.

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Hm why he mentioned me here?

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Maybe i will share those secrets of darkness? I already work with them and learning how to become the lake of fire and the abyss


Please do


Thats a post for Another Day :wink:
Its quite late here.


Ok xag

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What do you mean internalized? Does that mean you took energy from a place?


Inferanalized with the energy of the infernal divine


How long did it take to open them?

Anyone still using this method i came across this threard today ik it is old lol

Hey, any tips on how you opened your clairaudience?

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Idk man i guess the person left this forum

Wtf dude!!! Azazel gave me pretty much the same sword a couple of years ago. It isn’t gold and I don’t know if it transmutes the energies, but it is covered in infernal fire. lol


Can i dm you i want to ask u about azazel