One card readings for practice (closed)

Pulled the Hermit. Have you been avoiding some decision? I feel like there’s a small issue that you don’t want to deal with right now. Maybe you’ve taken a step back from this situation and it could’ve been a disagreement with someone close to you or someone asking you for advice and you’re not sure how to respond to this person. The Hermit seems to say that thinking before making a decision is a good idea at this time. Hopefully this resonates.


Pulled the High Priestess reversed. This could be about someone keeping secrets. There’s something you want to know but this person refuses to be an open book. It may not be malicious, but they are hiding knowledge from you. This could be a friend or close relative. Be patient with this person. I hope this was helpful.

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Very much so, thank you

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Thank u very much!

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Can I get a general one please

Pulled the Tower. This usually means a big change is coming, but it can also signify a shocking or devastating truth being revealed to you. If you’re in a relationship at this time, I’m feeling some bad news will come out and it could be very harmful to your relationship. This may have already happened, and you’re still in that energy. It’s not the end of the world, however, because just as the tower gets struck by lightning and burns, it’s foundation is still solid. There’s a chance to rebuild. I hope this resonates.

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Pulled Death. A situation has come to an end, you may want to hold on to this situation or relationship, but there’s no going back. One person is in a position of power here, and they’re making the choice to move on. They may feel bad, but the relationship as it was is over. I hope this resonates.

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It does. Thanks a lot

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I would like one if you are still taking requests. Thank you!!

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I’ll take one . Thanks .

Pulled the Devil reversed. I feel like someone needs to get control of their emotions. Someone may have been offended by an action and there’s about to be hell to pay. If this is you, get a handle on your emotions. If you know who this is, try talking to this person as soon as possible to diffuse the situation.

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Thank you😊 resonates

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Pulled the 9 of cups reversed. You’ve been giving a lot of thought to the past. Consider what you have now and stop regretting the past. Be satisfied with where you are now, and reflect on how far you’ve come in life instead of the goals you have yet to accomplish. I hope this resonates.

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General reading or specific question?

General or specific?

It does thank you !

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Can I have one please?
About my IELTS exam score. Will it be successful?

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Pulled 2 of staffs reversed. Since this is about an outcome, I don’t guarantee anything. However, the 2 of staffs doesn’t give a clear indication of if you will pass or fail. It could go either way, but it does show you are anxious about failure. Maybe you feel like you didn’t study enough, but if you put in the work and did your best, then a positive outcome seems likely. I do wish you the best on your outcome.

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Thanks for spending your valuable time and effort.

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General please . Thanks :+1: