On The Spiritual Rebound


I don’t buy into that belief, but that is an entirely different conversation for another time.

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BOW to your Seefoo!

Sorry. Reminds me of an old movie or TV show. Master, Professor, Doctor, the Chinese Sifu, the Japanese Sensei, etc. are all nothing but titles of respect. It does not mean subservience.

As for the title, Lord, part of the problem is that the term is translated several different ways in Herbrew. When it is used in the JCI context, it becomes a something more.

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@DarkestKnight shall we? You always make for good conversations. If you are willing, would you split this into a new thread for that purpose? I am a woefully inadequate Luddite with this site’s functions, lol.

Very true.

Another huge difference between honorifics like β€˜doctor’ or β€˜sensei’ is that those people have no real world power over you outside of the office or the dojo, with very few exceptions. Historically, the title of Lord comes with political power and a duty to rule or dominate the populace (or both), but the Lucifer does not seem to be trying to do that. Very much the opposite, in fact.