OMG the things you see and hear as you progress

Oh, I’m not apologizing for expressing the idea. I am apologizing because it sounds like I did all this research and idea stuff on my own and claiming credit for being the source.

You don’t claim credit for research you didn’t do man. Even by “accident”. It discredits the actual source.

Selfish/dick move in my opinion.

Fact based fiction is always better than fiction based fact in my opinion. Also, fact base fiction gives you a loooooot of creative wiggle room to drive home the bits of fact.

It also gives you a lot of creative ways to warp the fact and actually re-write it into some “new fact” while discrediting the actual fact based information with misleading fiction and lies.

Okay- I’m done because I followed a link and read

Blockquote Dick’s gnostic vision of God of one aspect of God


Blockquote a version of God’s ghost dick

Now I am seeing a supercomputer binary code of a man that zooms into hexagon containing a dick.


… that could be problematic, if he hits a midlife crisis and knows how to code. Or worse, doesn’t know how to code and it one of those people who zips up their entire drive because they have no idea what they’re doing.

You mean…The computers at school are NOT old dinosaurs?

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Note to self: use zip drives more often

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No no. Way back in the days of Windows 3.1, if you discovered you had winzip… and were a curious person who’d only had TRS80’s their whole life… you might do something stupid like tell winzip to zip what YOU thought was a file but was actually the entire C: drive, essentially putting the entire operating system into a little box and giving you a black screen. Now, apply that to an old man with a hexagon encoded member.

I regret nothing, BTW.

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It’s in a box.


I mean, humans need a percent of the familiar in order to establish relate ability which is the only way to get a person to care/hooked into the information to absorb it, learn it and act upon it.

The problem as was stated is abstract thinking has been trained out/dumbed down and metaphors are taken literally. Which results in a stubborn fixation and refusal to process any contradicting information or to blow the entire thing of as worthless.

You notice how spoon feeding plots is thing not only in kid cartoons but in older media as well with a smattering of “think for your-self” plots mixed in.
Often resulting in huge fandom based discourse of one spending a lot of energy attacking/discrediting another.

That is the kind of stuff I’m getting shown/made to think about more and more. And it explains so much.

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THE SONG! It speaks TRUTH!

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Now I need to analyze the song with the idea that it’s about some great cosmic cyber dick in a box.

^ Exactly. I use the model of it all being a giant game.

Until I choose not to. :innocent:

Saturn huh?


for those of you who think this is pure delusion. Look at it this way. When you do spellwork you are putting out energies or asking beings to put out energies to make something happen. If you see that spell as a code then yes the entire thread makes sense. IF thats how you believe and how you construct your system then yes you can hack the system. The brain is a computer capable of processing and using information at an amazing speed. When i was learning hypnotherapy i learned that to put someone in trance you flood their conscious mind with data until it can not process it all and then shock the system(not a literal shock although that might work as well) in order to circumvent the conscious mind and go straight to the subconscious where the real work can happen. If you put that in computer terms you are crashing the user interface in order to backdoor the system and get to the root system to change the code. Both are ways to explain the same phenomenon. Both say the same thing. One thing says it in a way a biological thinking person would understand and another a way a tech person would understand but both are right. Saying that there is a supercomputer that controls the world is simply saying there is a greater being or power that we don’t understand. Some people’s minds frame it in technical terms as that is a system they understand. It is no different than saying that there are beings that exist on a higher frequency that are more powerful than we are and can control our environment. Everything has rules. Hackers learn how to either manipulate the rules in order to get the effect they want or how they can break the rules without the system knowing. It does not matter if that top entity is a giant mechanical computer or a giant space baby who creates time by babbling. Its all about how you view the system you are trying to manipulate and really equals the same thing. Frame something in a paradigm you understand and then you can figure out the rules and how to work in/around them. But saying that using technological ideology to frame your spellwork is bs and delusional is the same as telling the druids that using ritual magic is delusional because you don’t believe their system works. If it works for the person then it works for the person.

and fuego i never claimed to be special, just trying to offer a frame of reference that others can understand. There is nothing special about being an IT person that makes you supermage. But if you take that knowledge and use it to try new and creative ways to solve a problem(be it magical or mundane) then it can give you an edge

this post has been long enough already.
thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your night

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Eh, I mean, reality is created by the collective perceptions of all living things, so technically it could have an associated spirit-form/collective-mind kind of thing holding it together… I believe the term is ‘collective unconscious’.

As far as created by the ‘collective perceptions of all living things’ part is concerned, there’s a reason why people like Chris Angel put up a barrier in front of the onlookers to block their sight before he phases through a solid object (like a cast-iron gate).



Although it’d be awesome if Criss Angel could really walk through solid objects, IMO the far more likely explanation is that he’s an illusionist performing tricks and blocking the onlookers’ view helps hide how the trick is done.


Watch that video. I couldn’t figure out how he did it, and I’m usually pretty good at figuring out how people do things like that. I’m pretty sure a lot of the ‘stage magicians’ who are more widely known actually mix real magick with their ‘stage magic’.


I’ve seen it before and it is damn impressive, I’ll admit. I can see stage magicians maybe combining psychic abilities like clairvoyance or remote viewing with their mentalist routines, but being able to walk through walls is something so out of that ballpark that I remain extremely skeptical. It’s much more probable to me that it’s done with some form of CGI or other trickery.


There was an explanation in a after show … Copperfield’s I think … Of making the statue of liberty disappear. It was impressive and I still couldn’t figure it out. All angle and perception I think.


Oh my god,
The Matrix-> Philip K. Dick talks about a very similar concept to this called the Black Iron Prison->
VALIS is a 1981 science fiction novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. The title is an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System, Dick’s gnostic vision of one aspect of God -> Dick in a box.

We are all dicks in a box under guard by a system of killer robots guarding a huge ass super computer in space!

We are all frogs people!