Offerings for Leviathan

Can someone please give me a list of offerings I can give to leviathan please?

What are the herbs, drinks, food, activities and other things that he likes?

Did you do some research before posting? Leviathan isn’t going to respect someone that doesn’t out effort into it. I know what I offer him/her, but what did you come across?


@anon39079500 is right

Your answer is here.

So, Lucifer wants coffee - #11 by anon39079500

This was one of the first things I found online, please put some effort into your research. :neutral_face:

Obviously I did my research. I’m not going to try and collaborate with a powerful empress/prince of hell without doing my research. I know a thing or two about demonology. But a lot of stuff on the internet about leviathan is a bit generic. Which is why I’m asking on the forum.

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I don’t understand why me asking for some good ideas for offerings means I haven’t done my research. :roll_eyes:

Cooking anything for yourself and putting efforts into the food (especially seafood) will make Leviathan happy. Additionally, any type of fishing, or putting shells, preserved taxidermy’d fish, ocean water, sea salt, or beach sand on your altar will definitely make you closer to Leviathan.

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We just need a new occult search engine. I recall reading somewhere the idea of an open-source search engine where there were top level “whitelist” domains, and higher ranked links from those domains. It would be nice not to get 2000 video games and 100 redundant sites every time you look up something like Ashtoroth. (and also skip or lower the rank on obviously biased fundamentalist christian conspiracy sites)

At one time I looked into the social bookmarking site, but it seems like too much work, and real people have to put the effort to put stuff in it.

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No one is saying you didn’t research at all, what I’m trying to say is that there are many things you could’ve easily found on your own. :confused:

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