Offerings blood

I’m in the process of making a Sigil for my etheric body.
Now I’m wondering can I offer blood to it when I evoke it through the Sigil?


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Of course! Yes! Blood is very powerful! Especially when used by the mage in the working. It is the essence of who you are, a microcosm of your macrcosm. The very essence of your being.

The most powerful blood sacrifice a Black Magick user can do “In my opinion” is offer a couple drops of there own blood.


It’s an offering to my etheric body and my chakras.
Do you think blood will make my etheric body more powerful, and maybe open my chakras higher


I would have to say yes. I meen, why not? It will def help bridge the assumed gap between the two.


Even if it’s the same energy?

Hope so.

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What are you seeking as an end result? What is your goal?

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I’ll try to create a Sigil/portal to my etheric body tomorrow but I’m not sure if it will work as I cannot hear or see spirits or even feel energy

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To open chakras

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And make my etheric body more powerful

Hopefully tomorrow I can find someone who is willing to evoke it to see if it worked and it truly is a portal to my etheric body

Ok, so as far as chakras go, take it slow, work with one at a time, as if they were separate entities unto themselves. As they are in your subconscious.

Create a dialogue, and don’t rush it.

I have experience with a forced open chakra, so bring it out in a natural way.

Know thyself.


I need to open my chakras so I can astral project easily

I give you my blessings my friend.

Seek the astral and make it manifest to your will!


I dont really think the chakras are ever closed, if anything they’re more or so just like muscles, always there just people think theyre closed but in reality theyre just weak and unworked on. So they nocebo themselves into thinking their chakras are closed.

As for the blood thing it doesnt matter as long as it’s yours atleast in my opinion, I put blood into all my work through a safe sterile way using a lancet/diabetic pen.


Yes I know they are muscles. I’m not targeting only the chakras though. I’m targeting the whole entire body

Having a stronger body will allow the muscles to grow more easily

That’s pretty much it, major chakras, minor chakras, pathways, and so forth are never closed unless you actively seal them. They’re just weak and working at bare minimum until you work them out.

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honestly if I could just astral project, I could do all my ascension there

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