Occult knowledge paranormal experience VS being crazy

It can be hard to distinguish between magic happenings and psychological interference and the input of our own preconceived notions. The Lucifer/Satan belief that you hold, for example, isn’t backed up by history (the original texts and cultures that mention them or don’t mention them, big example being that the bible never mentions Lucifer even once, but the Romans had a god named roughly Lucifer) yet you believe you were told by Satan that he and Lucifer are one. That could be your own mind interfering with a real experience. Or hey, maybe you’re right and everything else is wrong. The only for sure thing you can do is use your own judgement and spidey senses to discern whether what you experience is legitimate or not. No one else can really say.

Isahiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” KJV I know the Greek version had a different word but nobody uses that one and the mainstream has a pre-determined meaning for the name Lucifer. Like trying to tell people Zay-uss instead of Zeus. damage is done now!

The point is that Lucifer was never in the bible. That one (mistranslated) mention of the name Lucifer was used solely to taunt the fallen king (forget his name) by saying “haha look at you, you reached so high but then fell back down just like the morning star!” The “morning star” being the planet Venus, notice the path it takes across the sky and the taunt will make sense. In the original text it was simply and solely a reference to the planet, with no proper noun or name included.
Its crazy how much that one misinterpretation, coupled with the intentionally fictional poem Paradise Lost’s depiction of Satan, has influenced the masses of recent history’s view of both Satan and Lucifer.

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Damage is done, yes, but the damage is not irreparable and can be cured with the spreading of knowledge.

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