Occult blinds

How do you spot them? Are they really a thing anymore?

(When things are hidden concealed in symbols in texts so the average person assumes one thing is meant, but something else is truly meant)


I assume only in the most high level stuff. In the past I think it was used for protection of secrets

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Huh? Explain a bit further what these blinds are? Give an example?


I donā€™t necessary think they are involved in modern texts but they definitely played a role in the older ones, which is why it is important to read in between the lines with them


I donā€™t really know, someone else would have to I think

I was trying to think if they could be within modern texts at all

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Good post I found searching

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Any reason like a book you suspect has some or just curious?

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Just curious really

The new books are so simple itā€™s hard to imagine there would be any

But when you go it aloneā€¦ you wonder, at least I doā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Well im/weā€™re always here if you need some helpšŸ˜ƒ

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Just wondering if there even are any really :joy:

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There are many blinds in Leviā€™s text, I have heard. But Levi is old news, so


At least some of Connellyā€™s work uses them, but her work is pretty often- just what you need to figure it out on your own and not a single grain more. If you have no experience you might believe that a circle around a sigil will offend a demon, or you might assume itā€™s her religious practice. In some of the books Iā€™m working with from her she claims you should never ever have a sharp object, athame, dagger etc around if you summon Anubis, but I canā€™t find any grounds to believe that when researching it (and Yes I play with danger and get out the entire knife set while summoning just to see if anything bad happensā€¦)

Iā€™ve seen it mostly in books that claim to talk about the darkest magic types, the secret religious types, often in relation to the Loa/spirits worked with in the religion of Voodoo, and things like that. I usually just shake my head and go yep, this is one of those things, if I want to do this working,how can I actually do it?

If itā€™s got crazy things that most people canā€™t get their hands on, doesnā€™t sound or feel right, stands out but you canā€™t find any basis for it anywhere else- it might be a blind.

If itā€™s Gom, Pom, etc- itā€™s pretty straight forward.


Yeah like the cool grimoires of Asha Shedim
Awesome stuff


Not quite like in the old tests, but some of the Galleryā€™s work has hidden ways to use their sigils and such.


Ooh really, care to elaborate?

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On their blogs, they have sometimes given a new way to work with a particular sigil, and said that what they give in the book is only the start of how to use their rituals (Or something similar to that). If you look deeply into a certain ritual, you will find other ways to use it, and the secrets of how it works. Many times those secrets come to light when you work with the rituals yourself. Through experience and practice you learn some of what is hidden.

Iā€™ve been practicing 72 Sigils of Power by Zanna Blaise recently (Which works with the 72 Names of God), and I feel it is one of their books that has a lot hidden, as it encourages a very mystical approach to the magick (They donā€™t expand upon the powers much, they encourage intuition, and there is no structure such ā€œdo the ritual for 7 days in a rowā€, the frequency and how many times you do it in a day is left entirely to you). Archangels of Magick also has quite a good deal hidden in it. Youā€™ll have to read the book deeply to understand the full powers of the Archangels.


Gonna have to start checking the blog! I have both of those books and have been dipping in and out


I know Bible has lots of them. The number 5 for example when it was used to mention something like 5 fishes or 5 brothers, they were blinds.

Neville Goddard reckons it actually meant the 5 senses. Not to be taken literally.

Same case as Adam and Eve representing masculine and feminine archetypes and energies. The stories would have so many holes if you were to take the texts literally.

Just my 2 cents :blush:


Yeah I agree with Nevilleā€™s interpretation, resonates much better with me.

I think all exoteric religious texts have tons of blinds in


Blinds? Do you mean blockages?