Not sure where to ask this? [Magick for Career and Money]

I moved this in here as it seems all related to how to improve your wealth generally, and it’s helpful to keep these things together. It limits repetition in responses and some of the ideas probably overlap or you can hit them in one ritual.

Congrats! Sounds like you have a good-un, money is a survival necessity in this society so she’s not wrong. If you can keep her calm that would be ideal, as like attracts like, and if you are too afraid of going without, you could make more of that happen. She’s going to worry about the kids and look to you as the strong provider, so this is all natural and you just have to reassure her it’ll be ok and keep working the plans.

You can “edit” the working to suit and do workings for other people, you and your family, a working to get her a better job, all that is possible. Most rituals can be adapted to fit your intentions.

I wouldn’t be either. Are you saying you are worried about backlash and unexpected consequences?
It’s not usual for a money working to randomly cause breakups, at least I haven’t heard of such a thing. I’ve heard of lottery winners dumping their partner, and love spells can definitely go sideways and make the target run away, but money workings, not so much.

So yes, absolutely. You could call say, Bune… Clauneck, etc, you choose… and ask for literally that “bring my family and I financial stability and comfort, let my woman and children be not stressed from want”.

It’s said that the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are matched on to one with 72 entities of the Goetia (I call them just “entities”, because I’m not Christian and I don’t use Christian terms for lots of reasons, and I consider their term “demon” to be misleading and unhelpful).

Here’s a list that links them in pairs: you could evoke both at the same time if you wanted.

If you’re looking to use Solomonic techniques, where you call angels first and bind the called entity using them, then there’s books for that. A good one, so I’m told (I don’t use Solomonic techniques) is Modern Magick by Donald Michael Craig.

If you just want to call Goetic entities without also calling angelic ones, I like Goetia Pathworking by Corwin Hargrove.

If you like books in general we have a list of our favorites here, and most of these can be got on Kindle pretty cheaply…