Non stop servitor that works

I need help wording my conception for my servitor. Using Damon brand’s “magick Al servitor as a guide book to help me create my servitor. I want to create a servitor that never stops working from its inception. I’m be that works continually. I’m not sure how to do that. Please help.

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I am not sure either but I remember when I tried to created an astral Golem, a sort of light-spirit that works for me, I never was able to make it work for me. I always sort of felt guilty to have created one and I sent him to the light after a couple of days. Never knew why. Did this happened to you? did you ever tried before?

This is my first time, I’ve never made one before.

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Well, I know it takes a good amount of vizualisation and a total faith in what you create. The process when I did it was about 5 minutes. and I imagined that this creature was alive and flying around me. I guess the key into it is to always kind of, not mix our boundaries with the ones of the creature. What I mean is, to not mix our mental talking when we know it is there, while my conscious ego think it is not. Takes a tremendous amount of faith from me because I ‘‘doubt’’ a lot and we are all you know, sucked in this 3D reality and think its the only thing there is.

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You have to remember that Servitors have a limited Awareness and They must have an energetic source to continuously empower Them to function. If you’re trying to Create an AI Servitor, I believe employing or invoking a Deity who is well versed in Intelligence or Technology will give you an incredible foundation in Designing an AI Thoughtform.

Might I suggest Epithetical Magic with Hecate? Epithets are similar to titles. Working with these Titles helps concentrate and fortify your Magical objectives.

Suggested Epithet: Noeros (Greek: ΝΟΕΡΟΣ) “She who is intellective”. This Epithet increases and expands Intellect for Studying and Research which can compliment your AI Servitor. Additionally, you can work with one of Hecate’s Daemon’s Tekhne, Daemon of the technical skill in any field. You can request the Daemon to develop and improve the total functionality of your AI Servitor which may help you achieve your goal of a tireless Psychic Design.

Citation: Apuliensis, Hecateus. Hecatean Magick: a grimoire to invite the goddess of the crossroads in your practice (Hellenic Magick Book 3). Kindle Edition.

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