Noctis's hoard (Tarot Journal)

I decided to do a reading on myself for the month of august. Im glad I did, matched with my visions and future feelings this will be a fucking trainwreck.

Two of wands-preparation for a favorable change. partial success. Good advice from a mentor. Succesful business partnerships.
Six of swords-Travel over water. Movement. Moving to a new home.
Eight of wands-Movement, action. Things coming to a swift completion. The Positive manifestation of spellwork. Travel for business or pleasure and typically travel by air.
Reversed King of Swords-A judgemental, arrogant person. A domineering, unkind man. A dangerous individual.
Ten of Pentacles-Commitment. Happy and content family(temporary). Support, thankfulness, loyalty.
Reversed King of wands-Arrogance, greed. A self centered individual.
Reversed Queen of swords-A women who has closed off her feelings and established very high boundries. Isolation, gossip. A vindictive women.
Knight of swords-No fear. Courage, momentum. Swift change and progress. Stand up amd defend your position.
Seven of swords-New schemes, new solutions. Thinking outside the box. Relying on your street smarts. Partial Victory, evasion, cunning, foresight.

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I like that deck, I’ve seen it a couple times here

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I plan on doing a pact with Lilith, to show someone visions of what I did, the good and bad outcomes. It would allow them to decide things for themselves, since I majorly fucked up and now I need to fix it.

The result.
Four of cups-snap out of the funk your in! Quit moping and do something positive. Assistance is coming from an unexpected place.

Five of swords-Embarrassment, illusion, trickery. Learn to laugh at yourself and keep going forward.

Reversed Seven of swords-Allowing fear to hold you back. Not seizing opportunities. Timid behavior.

Ten of cups-Love, imagination, fulfillment. Joy, good humor, happy family. Good home life. Friendship, happy coven.

Reverse Seven of cups-Don’t be fooled into making a decision; they will come to resent you for it. Indecisiveness, fantasy, illusion.

Queen of pentacles-An earth sign women. Loyal friend, nature lover, devoted wife and partner. Hearth and home. Emotional fulfillment.

Since Ishtar and Venus want to work with me on the pact I plan on doing, I asked my tarot cards to show me the results of a pact with Lilith, Venus, Ishtar.
The pact will be to show him what I did, the good outcomes, the bad outcomes. Also for them to work a little on the relationship, nothing manipulative and nothing against his will. Just try to move things in a slightly positive direction so hopefully he wont be to upset.

Death-Transformation, change. Endings and beginnings. Cycles of nature and of life.

Reverse Knight of Wands-Haste, taking dangerous risks. Confusion, a disrupted or derailed project.

Reverse King of Swords-A judgemental, arrogant person. A domineering, unkind man. A dangerous individual.

Eight of Wands-Movement, action. Things coming to a swift completion. The positive manifestation of spellwork. Travel for business or pleasure and typically travel by air. Long distance communication.

Five of Pentacles-Financial worries. Anxiety, stress and working through tough times. Feeling shut out or isolated. Renewal and hope in adversity.

Knight of Pentacles-A down to earth, practical young man. Hard work, active observation, stamina, patience, responsibility. Methodically dealing with life’s challenges.

Queen of Cups-Serenity, love. A water sign women. Dedication, a living wife and mother. A natural witch or talented psychic. Reflection, emotional healing.

Eight of pentacles-Diligence, skill, attention to detail. Study and practice of the magickal arts. Work in progress, a project that is nearing a succesful completion.

Two of swords-The heart and mind are not in agreement. Putting up unhealthy boundaries, holding in your true feelings, working for balance of heart and mind, considering your options.

I asked what Queen Lilith had to tell me

Nine of Pentacles-herbal magick, green magick. Happiness, success, confidence, abundance, self sufficiency. Become more independent

High Priestess-Initiation, wisdom. Inner knowledge, intuition. Lunar energy and magick, the feminine mysteries of the craft. Listen to my gut instincts

The world-Rebirth, wholeness, completion, joy. Victory and achievement. A journey’s succesful end. The magick and wonder of the natural world. Change myself, spend more time outside.

Queen of Cups-Serenity, Love. Dedication, a loving wife or mother. A natural witch or talented psychic. Reflection, emotional healing. Heal myself and get rid of excess baggage.

King of Swords-Authority, a fair leader, judgement. Justice, reason, logic, truth. Ethics, honor, swiftly turning knowledge into action. Turn my knowledge into action that I use, mantain my integrity.

Reverse Four of Cups-Self Pity, self indulgence, depression. Stop being depressed. Change things to how I want them to be.


I asked should I stay with my boyfriend.

Ten of Swords-A toxic group of people. Betrayal, being stabbed in the back, ignoring your instincts.
Why did you not listen to your instincts? Listen to the warnings.

Queen of Swords-Wisdom, independence, intuition, assertiveness. Personal development. Walk your talk.
Stand up for yourself, follow your intuition.

The Lovers-Sexual Love, beauty, a romantic relationship. Decisions, commitment. Choices to be made. The choice you make now will effect your future. Love heals.

The Tower-Change of plans, revelation of secrets. Upheaval. A blow to the ego. Situations coming to a head. Reevaluation. Dramatic change. The removal of blocks in your spiritual path.

Knight of Wands-Adventure, change, confidence, enthusiasm. Passion. Travel for business. Make a bold move now. Movement. A new job, a new house.

The Shadow Side-Allowing another person to have power over you and your reactions. Defending yourself from baneful magick. Overcoming fear to emerge victorious.

King of Wands-A mover and shaker. A person who is charming, outgoing, energetic, and generous. Mentoring another. Enthusiasm, artistic expression, creativity.

The Magician-As above, so below. Skill, determination, connection, confidence. Strength of will. Elemental magick and personal power.

The Empress-Bringing new ideas into existence. Feminine power, love, sexuality, motherhood. Fertility, birth, creativity. Hearth and home, protecting love in your life, full moon magick. The power of nature.

I asked why certain forces were trying to keep me and him apart. They kept us apart to break a cycle of heartbreak. We were together in past lives and it didnt end well.
Three of Swords-heartbreak, tragedy. What we had in past lives.
Ten of Swords-Hardships are at an end. We’re at the bottom and about to start a new cycle. You are at the end of a hard situation. It is probably all you can stand, and you may not think you’ll make it. You can. Have faith the tide is about to turn.
Be aware of losing hope. Do not give up. The wheel is about to begin an upward turn.
Ten of Pentacles-You have reached the end of a cycle. You’ve learned all you care to learn, you’ve invested all you want, you’re ready to move onto something new. Just as you received a gift to start off, why not share your abundance with someone else?
Ten also means end of a cycle, for this tarot deck anyways.
Ace of cups-The beginning of a romance. You are at the start of an exciting adventure. Be aware of running from this experience. Do not fear, discount, or avoid the intensity of your feelings. Although it may be uncomfortable at first, learn to identify and express your emotions.
The Lovers-Make good and balanced choices. Choose well and build a foundation that can help you achieve your best dreams.
Queen of Swords-Do not divorce yourself from your emotions to in an effort to protect yourself. Remember to be flexible when things don’t go your way.
Huh overall an interesting pull.

Love this

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