Nine days of the demonic informers(malkash)

I decided to start a journal with my works with the demonic informers called malkash, I had finished my work with anatel which it consisted for nine days this working will do to
Working with malkash is very beneficial for them mind for greater spiritual growth and knowledge becoming mental emotional power and mind training there’s lots to learn
I cannot keep a physical journals becuase I live with my family and all of my journals are burn so it’s best to keep a online so here it goes!


Day one :

I was on my home my original idea is to meditate and do the initiation ritual tonight yet that didn’t happen I did the ritual in pure silence in between 15:30 to 16:10
The ritual it self didn’t last for too long but the meditation was long itself

The lesson today was
To forget everything I know it sounds crazy and overwhelming for me too but it turned out to be a beneficial thing to do even if it sounded that
So I Forgot who I think I am and everything detached completely in my minds eye I saw a vast place of nothingness the demonic Nether informer tah’ka’yat told me to detach it was hard too I tried serval times to detach and even did in the past so here what I did and worked
I felt the detached for a moment and accepted and then I detached literally not thinking and not becoming it

Oh I forgot to say that I had lots of self reflection to find out bad affirmations and doubts which I removed by replacing them with positive and desired ones I had learned that what I ever focus on it grew so I fed up power not weakness I desire power and knowledge more and more
Continues with the tah’ka’yat astral travel I was pulled in the nothingness and be one with the nothing and all at the same time I remember azazel telling me back on October that the void and all are one and the same

Anyways on the nothing I become I seen my self as a shaman like monk meditating and floating in the vast of the nothingness I feel a force dissolving me into nothing which it did and in my mind I was reminded a thing that azazel told me “create something from nothing” so I had spread my mind in the all and nothing I felt that I knew everything all of a sudden I heard a fire cracker doing a bam and I immediately felt and saw who it was and saw the explosion it self then continued to observe nothingness aslo I planted a sort of mind in it then meditated to the 7 demons of malkash which I don’t remember what they told me but I remember that they told me that they blessed me and put power and all knowledge is within

Right now I am at the park probably tenth of minutes after I finished I feel more aware mindful and self knowladge


Night one

OK so tonight I had decided to call upon king paimon azazel and seere
They all helped me and learned how to do it my self to reprogram my mind
First question your intentions
Why you want it? I personally changed my attitude towards summoning spirits I questioned

What’s my attitude towards evocation?
My mind was like “I am not good enough”
I accepted but cleared that thought and replaced it with “I am good enough and even beyond I am a living god”

As I did this I saw a sigil on my altar it was abryaiyan from anatel the demonic warlords he putted his hands on my 3 eye and felt an surge of power to my chakras that made me feel ecstasy

I really have an urge to meditate upon a demon of malkash…tah’ka’yat


Tah’ka’yat evocation

“your physic senses are increasing your 3 eye is the powerful you should not doubt it nor be paranoid but yet I welcome you into the Chambers and voids of malkash”

Tah’ka’yat can you give me an incantation to call you?

“men itz zaz na sats yeah Tah’ka’yat”

Tah’ka’yat how can one know all things past future and present?

“Have no doubt nor exeptacion at all do not have any egoism towards it but instead assume that you know nothing then you will know it all… Go beyond limits of exeptacions”

Tommrow call ala’tahl’sta


day :2

i feel wickedness in me,i feel belial…"change the moon change the stars,recreate the world "

like tah’ka’yat said i will call ala’tahl’sta but after my self reflection with seere


…azazel spoke into my ajna he said that this night i must walk on the lake of fire
and recieve the “mark of damnation”

azazel whats the mark of damnation?

“the ritual will make you a king and a lord in the higher rounds of nether royality,there fore you must rise in strengh,everything that binds you will obvilated out of your existence,you have many things to learn christopher and tons of work,rise above them and destroy your weakness,embrace your birthright”


Wow!! :star_struck:

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Wow, remember me when you walk on the lake of fire tonight :grin:

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Will do

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Why tho?

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So I will be able to break the obstacles in me.

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You can ask the gatekeepers themselves
Or the one that you most connected to which we founded out that is belial


I will do that.

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“we will open new doors for you and your life embrace the new beginnings with the mark of the damned, first call pent’osch and halah’thor to allow them to open them then later embrace the mark of the damned”


second day

Second day
As I focused on my breath on meditation I had the urge to go to the theta trance
As I got in that I founded some minor obstacles, like lack of patience and focus

As I focused on a spot upon my wall I had found that putting all your focus in a physical object will not get you on trance but instead I tried to put a amount of focus not a bit but not a lot just a right balance of that both divide in half the focus on the physical and internal with that knowledge that I gained probably in the fifth minute I putted the intention for the theta state I allowed my self to fall on that state I got this telepathic message

“You had successfully got into the alpha state of mind now go into theta”

When I hitted the theta state I focused on the demonic Prince seere to do my mental reprogramming I asked my self for the perception of my evocation and the perception of some personal life things which I had attitude problems with so I changed them then accordingly to tah’ka’yat yesterday to call alak’tahl’sta today which I did I focused on the name and begun chanting her name and did this chant

“alash tad al’ash tal al’ashtu alak’tahl’sta”

I felt a presence of nature and darkness in front of of Me in my minds eye I saw a mist of darkness a woman with dark flowers around her and in her as herself and the gateway was made out of dark flowers and shadows she putted her finger upon me and filled me with energy and power it was a blessing I cannot remember the whole dialogue (which I should remember it) and I saw a pendant that supposedly enpowers me to all leveled mental and magical along with an incantation


Second night
I am thinking to do a ritual to plant seeds for my empire honestly I am…
Did it
I had did the mark of the damned ritual it was intense and I discover “my inner demonic divinity” the name is “takkalos” honestly I am confused with my demonic Self and my demonic magician self and with my dark godform I will found out today about it but I still need to work on my mentality

I had woken up with a deep doubt that I am not good enough
But I try to change it with focusing into the good enough feeling
Today at day 3
Will do my mental working and will summon byr’than in trance I am feeling that I got some deep work to do I am feeling sort of drained today morning and right now I am the bus station to go to my school something is speaking to my ajna
“train your mind and ego to be your servitors do not try to use it for bad nor good but use it to increase your awareness and power”

“your thoughts eventually create egregore patterns that steal your own energy let’s fight it back I will teach you how Christopher”

Ok day 3
I just finished school and I am at my grandparents house ready to eat
I had a massive shift during the school I was damned but I rised Above it and I feel powerful I feel myself again but I got delusional problems and thinking that makes me suffer from my very own fantasies and makes my anxiety and depression rise quickly I need to control to that I must do it and I will when I get home I will do it but I am too tired from the delusional depression that I got today

I must admit that today I was a fucking asshole and a prick becuase of my delusional and depression.


“Learn to control your self and find the balance of reality and fantasies keep a good healthy balance of then a reality to know that’s happening and an imaginary to have the motivation for a higher success”

The last day was interesting talking now for the day 3 I am awaking my kundalini and my soul too l am full of ecstasy is hard to explain it I met a group of spirits called the shaddaems which I written a whole other article for that they seem very different anyways I still trying to reprogram my mind goes pretty good still learned lessons
Of patience.

Remembering who you are
And how to move your mind on which it is one of the most important
Aslo learning to be a better commander of legions and lesson’s of authority and lessons of detachment me and connection.

Today at day four work with the demonic prince seere and with amaymon
As for evocation I still need to put a bit more deep trance and effort as for summoning demons of malkash I feel a need to call the informer Yash’alten I get the impression that he will connect me with the planets and will have an interesting discussion about them I had evoked him once before I aslo forget to ask for chants to call them.

Oh aslo a lesson that I learned is always have a direction.

First ask yourself this
Why do you do magick and why do you whatever awenser yourself. These are not for entertainment but these are real powers so choose wisely your actions. This was a life changing lesson for my close to 15 years of my life. I am bloody thirsty for power and knowledge of all kinds.

I aslo start to think differently before I thought about a thing once and not with depth now I changed that I think it 2 to 3 times and with depths resulting in better decisions and life choices.

Aslo I learned the lesson of discipline which is waking yourself up from laziness and weakness and directing my self to my goals.


Day 4

I have a building pressure as I just sitting
For some reason I keep seeing sa’ahlar’s sigil and name… I am going for this as this is not malkash demon but its a demon from anatel


“I will lift you above the thrones of authority. Know that you have the one of a king, Christopher.”


Ah today I was sitting again in meditation ready to open Yash’alten’s sigil in my arm but he said that we must work at night he said that will bless with planetary powers and elemental the work would be beyond explanation. Just be… But I must enter at amaymon gate so here I go