[Newbies] Where to get started? Start here!

Killing this thread, as it links badly. If you’d like to add to discussion on this topic, please direct it here:


Recently, I was asked by a newer member what to do to further open their clairvoyance/clairaudience.

Since my reply is probably relevant to many newbies, I am copy+pasting it here:

Do some research on 3rd eye meditation or anja meditation, to open up your receptive facilities. You will have to practice quite a bit, but start doing this as soon as you are able.

Also start working on scrying and evocation. I would recommend you try to scry as often as you can, and do evocation fairly often as well. Ideally, you will scry every day, and perform evocation at least once a week. You can also start working on sigil magick as the needs arise, as this will help both your ability to get into the sync as well as opening your perception and opening sigils.

As an additional part of your practice, work on getting into the theta-gamma sync - you should practice this every day also, as the scrying/evocation/sigil magick methods most on this forum use rely on it.

The ebook, and nearly all of EA’s books detail getting into the sync. In Evoking Eternity, the technique is called Invoking Omnipotence. If you can afford it, EA’s divination course should have everything you need to know to start practicing. He also did a seminar at Dixie State on evocation - search the forums and you’ll find a link.

Here are the newbie book thread and the suggested reading threads:



Lots of gold there.

If you meditate often, you should be able to get into the theta-gamma sync pretty readily. If you still need help, I recommend the Power of Now by Eckhart Toll.

If you don’t know how to do energy work, I would recommend either/both Astral Dynamics (revised) and Energy Work (revised) by Robert Bruce.

You’ll also want to get a copy of one or more of EA’s books that suit your interest. I personally recommend Evoking Eternity or the Complete Works.

The most important thing you can do is practice. Find a few good resources detailing a system - whether the books I mentioned, or some other, and then get to work. The biggest obstacle for modern magicians is staying at that sweet spot between not enough information and too much information. Once you have enough to get working, get to work. Continue to read if you enjoy it, but don’t let it get in the way of your practice.

Good luck!

Of note: it is important to treat any evocation as “successful”.

What this means, is that at first, you:

  1. evoke the entity

and then whether you sense their presence or not, after a reasonable amount of time and effort has been expended, you:

  1. greet them
  2. give them their task
  3. thank them
  4. dismiss them

or, a little more advanced:

  1. have at least 5 questions ready beforehand
  2. evoke the entity
  3. greet them
  4. give them their task
  5. ask your 5 or more questions, and write down any impressions/answers you get
  6. thank them
  7. dismiss them

Sometimes the act of asking questions can help you tune into the subtle communication you are having.

Also, if you get little to no mental/visual/mind’s eye impressions, you probably need to keep working on developing and maintaining your theta-gamma sync. Spend more time practicing it, doing sigil magick, scrying, divination, etc. Don’t give up on evocation, but if your results are lack-luster after a few attempts, give it a break for a few weeks while you hone your other skills. But always go back to evocation - it is the mark you will measure your other skills by, and it is the tool that will assist all of your other abilities and needs.



What about banishing rituals or the pentagram ritual for when/if things get hairy?? Or a few entities that should not be touched by a newcomer or some ones that are good for new magicians?

Great post by the way.

1 Like

[quote=“Jakob420, post:2, topic:765”]Redcircle,

What about banishing rituals or the pentagram ritual for when/if things get hairy?? Or a few entities that should not be touched by a newcomer or some ones that are good for new magicians?

Great post by the way.[/quote]

Good questions, and thanks for the praise.

I think your questions could be answered by a number of people, with different but useful answers. I will answer them in my own way, but would welcome what others think as well.

As the beginnings of an answer, in my opening post of this thread, I have merely given an outline or a basic plan, with the assumption that the new operator has a ritual system to make use of. As such, the answers to your questions are included in the work - whether one was using the works of Bardon, Regardie, the Golden Dawn, Crowley, Koetting or any number of others. If you’re using one of the mentioned systems, each has a way of addressing your questions re: banishing rituals, pathworking the entities, etc. As I have assumed the newbie has a system, I merely outline a means to get to work, as long as highlighting some other resources I believe to be valuable along the way.

If you were using Koetting’s work as a guide, as many of this forum do, then it depends on what book(s) you are working out of. In addition to the works I mentioned outside of his for refining your related skills, in EA’s Evoking Eternity, there is a banishing ritual/incantation if needed. However, it is the experience of EA and his suggestion that magicians not banish unless necessary, and that as such it is not an integral part of the evocation ritual.

If one needs further exercises for banishing the self or the ritual area, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram can be readily found with an internet search, as can the Middle Pillar Exercise. Plenty others exist of course, but those are a few suggestions to research.

It seems from my own experience, and what I have read from others on this forum, that things very seldom “get hairy”, but it is also wise to be prepared - after all, if you’re worried about such an occurrence, the spirit just might see fit to test you by bringing it to pass. :wink:

As far as entities to avoid go - the general consensus around here is that those not initiated in the current should not attempt to evoke the Loa/Lwa - but of course some will take exception to this. Also, if you as the operator do not feel confident in bringing forth a particular entity, it would be advisable that you work with other entities until your lack of confidence either resolves or finds itself to be justified. Beyond that, any grimmoire you are working with will likely suggest a progression of skills as a precursor to any evocation attempts, and then suggest a sequence (a pathworking) of entities to evoke and learn from. Many of EA’s grimmoires seem to do this, and many systematic magickal manuals (such as Bardon’s) are also structured in said fashion.

So, with a pathworking, you get a sort of recommendation for entities to begin working with - but this is not the same thing as a universal recommendation: it depends on the operator. Again using Evoking Eternity as an example, one might choose a demonic, angelic, or elemental pathworking such as those EA has mapped out. Taking another path, if one were to use Uncle Chuckie’s Psionic Grimmoire (google it, it’s free), he eschews the idea of “personal growth”, and details using the power of the 7(?) main planetary intelligences for one’s selfish personal gain - power over wisdom.

I hope this satisfactorily answers your questions, at least in showcasing my viewpoint. I’m sure others will have much different answers, but answers that may be just as valid (if not moreso).

^^^ Thanks a lot. And yes that answers my questions. I like E.A.'s teaching approach because he is easy to understand, a lot of books are really old and we just dont speak the same way as over 100 years ago or less. So some works I have trouble keeping my head in what I’m reading. And there are so many paths and different avenues to work through that it gets confusing. That’s why I love looking here first to get some suggestions.

I wish this thread to be sticky so that new Magicians could read it when coming on this forum.

[quote=“redcircle, post:1, topic:765”]Killing this thread, as it links badly. If you’d like to add to discussion on this topic, please direct it here:


Recently, I was asked by a newer member what to do to further open their clairvoyance/clairaudience.

Since my reply is probably relevant to many newbies, I am copy+pasting it here:

Do some research on 3rd eye meditation or anja meditation, to open up your receptive facilities. You will have to practice quite a bit, but start doing this as soon as you are able.

Also start working on scrying and evocation. I would recommend you try to scry as often as you can, and do evocation fairly often as well. Ideally, you will scry every day, and perform evocation at least once a week. You can also start working on sigil magick as the needs arise, as this will help both your ability to get into the sync as well as opening your perception and opening sigils.

As an additional part of your practice, work on getting into the theta-gamma sync - you should practice this every day also, as the scrying/evocation/sigil magick methods most on this forum use rely on it.

The ebook, and nearly all of EA’s books detail getting into the sync. In Evoking Eternity, the technique is called Invoking Omnipotence. If you can afford it, EA’s divination course should have everything you need to know to start practicing. He also did a seminar at Dixie State on evocation - search the forums and you’ll find a link.

Here are the newbie book thread and the suggested reading threads:



Lots of gold there.

If you meditate often, you should be able to get into the theta-gamma sync pretty readily. If you still need help, I recommend the Power of Now by Eckhart Toll.

If you don’t know how to do energy work, I would recommend either/both Astral Dynamics (revised) and Energy Work (revised) by Robert Bruce.

You’ll also want to get a copy of one or more of EA’s books that suit your interest. I personally recommend Evoking Eternity or the Complete Works.

The most important thing you can do is practice. Find a few good resources detailing a system - whether the books I mentioned, or some other, and then get to work. The biggest obstacle for modern magicians is staying at that sweet spot between not enough information and too much information. Once you have enough to get working, get to work. Continue to read if you enjoy it, but don’t let it get in the way of your practice.

Good luck!

Of note: it is important to treat any evocation as “successful”.

What this means, is that at first, you:

  1. evoke the entity

and then whether you sense their presence or not, after a reasonable amount of time and effort has been expended, you:

  1. greet them
  2. give them their task
  3. thank them
  4. dismiss them

or, a little more advanced:

  1. have at least 5 questions ready beforehand
  2. evoke the entity
  3. greet them
  4. give them their task
  5. ask your 5 or more questions, and write down any impressions/answers you get
  6. thank them
  7. dismiss them

Sometimes the act of asking questions can help you tune into the subtle communication you are having.

Also, if you get little to no mental/visual/mind’s eye impressions, you probably need to keep working on developing and maintaining your theta-gamma sync. Spend more time practicing it, doing sigil magick, scrying, divination, etc. Don’t give up on evocation, but if your results are lack-luster after a few attempts, give it a break for a few weeks while you hone your other skills. But always go back to evocation - it is the mark you will measure your other skills by, and it is the tool that will assist all of your other abilities and needs.[/quote] Thank you Redcircle because of you i finally opened my spiritual vision thanks to your advice since i had first asked you this question through a PM a while back i just wanted to take the time to thank you for your guidance i now know who i can come to for advice im still a novice though need to unlock the other 3GP :smiley:

Thanks man! You inspired it, so thank you as well. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for this
