Killing this thread, as it links badly. If you’d like to add to discussion on this topic, please direct it here:
Recently, I was asked by a newer member what to do to further open their clairvoyance/clairaudience.
Since my reply is probably relevant to many newbies, I am copy+pasting it here:
Do some research on 3rd eye meditation or anja meditation, to open up your receptive facilities. You will have to practice quite a bit, but start doing this as soon as you are able.
Also start working on scrying and evocation. I would recommend you try to scry as often as you can, and do evocation fairly often as well. Ideally, you will scry every day, and perform evocation at least once a week. You can also start working on sigil magick as the needs arise, as this will help both your ability to get into the sync as well as opening your perception and opening sigils.
As an additional part of your practice, work on getting into the theta-gamma sync - you should practice this every day also, as the scrying/evocation/sigil magick methods most on this forum use rely on it.
The ebook, and nearly all of EA’s books detail getting into the sync. In Evoking Eternity, the technique is called Invoking Omnipotence. If you can afford it, EA’s divination course should have everything you need to know to start practicing. He also did a seminar at Dixie State on evocation - search the forums and you’ll find a link.
Here are the newbie book thread and the suggested reading threads:
Lots of gold there.
If you meditate often, you should be able to get into the theta-gamma sync pretty readily. If you still need help, I recommend the Power of Now by Eckhart Toll.
If you don’t know how to do energy work, I would recommend either/both Astral Dynamics (revised) and Energy Work (revised) by Robert Bruce.
You’ll also want to get a copy of one or more of EA’s books that suit your interest. I personally recommend Evoking Eternity or the Complete Works.
The most important thing you can do is practice. Find a few good resources detailing a system - whether the books I mentioned, or some other, and then get to work. The biggest obstacle for modern magicians is staying at that sweet spot between not enough information and too much information. Once you have enough to get working, get to work. Continue to read if you enjoy it, but don’t let it get in the way of your practice.
Good luck!
Of note: it is important to treat any evocation as “successful”.
What this means, is that at first, you:
- evoke the entity
and then whether you sense their presence or not, after a reasonable amount of time and effort has been expended, you:
- greet them
- give them their task
- thank them
- dismiss them
or, a little more advanced:
- have at least 5 questions ready beforehand
- evoke the entity
- greet them
- give them their task
- ask your 5 or more questions, and write down any impressions/answers you get
- thank them
- dismiss them
Sometimes the act of asking questions can help you tune into the subtle communication you are having.
Also, if you get little to no mental/visual/mind’s eye impressions, you probably need to keep working on developing and maintaining your theta-gamma sync. Spend more time practicing it, doing sigil magick, scrying, divination, etc. Don’t give up on evocation, but if your results are lack-luster after a few attempts, give it a break for a few weeks while you hone your other skills. But always go back to evocation - it is the mark you will measure your other skills by, and it is the tool that will assist all of your other abilities and needs.