Newbie introducing herself

Hi All! I feel now I am a true novice, I have dabbled in different magicks over the years, however haven’t in many years! So come here for the guidance of all you lovely people. I am nearly 30 and feel I have lost touch as I haven’t done any form of magick in at least 10 years. I am based in greater Manchester and currently trying to master the evocation of demons, with no such luck I might add. I am currently trying to evoke Sallos and Amon to help in a relationship matter. I am currently using the Gordon Winterfield DOM to start with and wondered if there was any other ways people found better to evoke Sallos and Amon.
I am happy to be a part of this community and thankyou for your guidance :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum.

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wellcome dear

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welcome from me to. and good luck with the mastering the evocation of demons :slight_smile:

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Thankyou all :blush: