New User

Hello! My name is Jalen, I’m 21, and I’m from the US. I practice hoodoo and rootwork for the most part. I am now venturing into the dark arts so this is all new to me. I look forward to the future and can’t wait to see this goes.


Welcome to the forum. What things are you looking to learn?

To become the best version of myself that I can be and for the spirits I work with to tag along on that journey. I also want to know about new magical tricks, lessons, and different forms of divination than I already use. I mainly want to be pushed out of my comfort zone and see the world in a whole new light.

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Welcome @MorningStarVenus

How long have you practiced your path?

I have been in practice since 2017.(I grew up in a Christian household so I wasn’t able to spread my wings until I got older) As for some of my gifts, all my life I’ve been able to communicate, see, talk to spirits. I am also an empath, avid reader and see visions of things.