New to spirits and evocations. Best advice and methods for beginner?

I’ve only ever really practiced chaos magick, sigils, and all that. I’d like to evoke some entities, mainly Belial and Seere. Anything I can do that would ease me into it and be good for someone starting out in evocation?

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Light a candle. Draw the sigil. Talk to the sigil. Write your requests and if you have anything to offer, write that in as well. Then burn the paper with the sigil and requests in the candle flame. And meditate on the candle, visualizing what you petitioned for as if you already have what you want. Then blow out the candle, thank the spirit, say your farewells, banish lingering energy. And forget about the entire thing.

For your first time, a lot of spirits will come to you and help you for free. For learning, they will teach you freely. For acquiring they ask for an offering.

Many starting magicians dont see magic work because they cant forget the mahic. Chances are youll be like “it didnt work” then youll forget about it and then itll come true.


Picking a good deity to start with helps. King paimon is exceptionally patient. His entrance can be loud and startling but he is patient so even if you react in fear itl be ok. My first time i started praying and later when i collected myself i called to him again “im ready now” and he will not hold it against you.

So king paimon is my reccomendation. Especially if you are still combatting dogma


Read and practice.

You can go old school grimoires like The Lesser Key of Solomon, you could do scrying methods, you could work up to evocation in a chaos framework where you train your astral senses. There are books for all of that. Evoking Eternity by E.A. isn’t a bad starting point, the Evocation of Spirits by Barden is good for discipline or Initiation into Hermetics for a full system working up to evocation.

The spirits come when called, evocation is just about learning how to see, hear, and communicate with them. It involves subconscious interfacing. You just have to practice and find your own way

Gallery of Magick/Gordon Winterfield has a great evocation system IMO in their book Demons of Magick, and you get the full Goetia in that system.


Considering your reasons behind this, I would suggest demonic sigil magick for that particular goal. Leave evocation for another time. When you are ready then Evoking Eternity provides the most solid instruction.