New Practitioner Questions

I don’t drink alcohol so that bottle will be offering to my good pal demons =o)

I always had this thought in my head which the reason children or babies could see spirits was because they are so freshly transitioned from the place we receive our earthly assignments, lessons, and next set of parents from. They used to be a spirit themselves, energy, whatever you’d like to call it and were thrown into their next earthly body to live their life to advance their soul. As this baby ages and grows to adulthood, the ability to see other spirits will fade away as they focus more and more on their primitive needs more so than their spiritual. Or it could be the longer you’re away from this place of lesson giving, the more your third eye closes. And to open it again you must reach the level of spirituality you once had before entering into an earthly body, which would probably be hard to do.

Hey, you and I have something in common though. I don’t drink alcohol either. :slight_smile: I’m going to do a little more research on my end since you mentioned food plays a role (surely did not know this). I definitely don’t over eat and try to eat as healthy as I can. Energy blockages, are you referring to chakras I’m assuming? I never did attempt to clear these. And beliefs, there is issue there too as I’m still trying to recede from the effects of growing up christian and all the fear mongering that comes hand in hand with it. I appreciate you giving me things to think about.

What do I seek. I want to grow my spirituality and develop power. I feel there is a lot of wasted potential that is locked into our bodies that people who follow religion do not get to experience. I like to think those brainwashed by religion are new souls who are at a low reincarnation level as their minds might not be ready to dive into more “advanced” soul territory. Once they die and come back a good many times to learn their next lessons then they’ll start to question. And one day that not so new soul may end up on this forum because they start to challenge their old religious view and are ready for those higher vibrations.

I want to grow my soul, develop power, receive guidance from those willing to teach, and also try to give thanks and develop a bond with whoever comes along the way which may or may not happen I know. Some people or even spirits might not want anything more than interacting with business affairs but it doesn’t hurt to try. I know if I liked someone I’d be more willing to go out my way to aid them.


Develop your senses then. :ok_hand::ok_hand::+1:

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Haha yes, that is the plan. :slight_smile: Thank you.

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Look what I found :slight_smile: I’m going to start with this.

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Check out for these too

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Thank you so much :heart::heart:

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i do tai chi. they work with meridians from chinese culture. center meridians goes through the chakras . meridians feeds organs . It’s more organ energy specific than chakras. meridians are energy flow throughout your whole organs ( basically your physical body vessel) . Each organ or meridian lines may hold energy blockages which prevent balance causing non-optimal function. It’s still not easy as it takes long time and actual effort to remove blockages through all the meridians. It require energy management. Food is one way to manage. Thought as well and even sex. hence the focus of not having ejaculation in chinese sex practices. It’s to conserve energy and store it. It’s not knowledge base . it’s practice base and not many willing to put the time to practice chi kung or tai chi. Let alone, a master in soft internal arts like aikido or tai chi. And meditation can work on meridians energy too depending on focus. Need both meditate and tai chi practice if u going that route of energy practice.

Path to spiritual englightenment is a lonely path. It can only be done solo. Require discipline and plenty sacrifices of materialism. It require one to not be superficial. Too many people are addicted to something which makes it hard. some money, power and especially sex with the physical or astral. It’s all about purpose and balance. People go through phases or fads. Magick is one of them. Some people stuck and not move on to bigger and better things. Or use what they learn for bigger and better things. They use it superficially or materialism way. Rather than soulful way from the bottom of their being.


That’s an interesting idea and it makes sense to me. I know there is also a natural process all infants go through after birth where they experience massive brain cell death. I always wondered what sorts of gifts those extra neurons might grant before they are lost.

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A quick tip if you’re working on seeing spirits. There is an herb called Dittany of Crete. If you burn it and sprinkle in a few other things you think your entity might like… The smoke has a tendency to float and gather around the spirit forming a silhouette. Its an excellent tool while you’re getting your feet wet and developing your sight. It was commonly used by Greek seers and prophets.

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Interesting information. Too bad this virus closed my new age store down, they have hundreds of herbs. I like finding things in person other than ordering them online. The fun of searching for the tools is part of the excitement for me. Thank you for this.

@anon84423462 I was going to pm you but I don’t think my account has those privileges yet. I was reading another topic in regards to offerings and one spirit wanted pizza in the OPs post. Maybe I should’ve asked this there but I felt a certain way if I just jumped in someone else’s topic. I routinely offer roses or rose petals to my goddess and then go to my local bay to let them fall in the water (she was born of the sea according to legends and is heavily connected to water sources) so this was my way of giving them to her as it felt more “right,” than to just dispose of them in the garbage afterwards. So my question is, if that gentleman/lady offers a slice of pizza, trinket, gold, what have you to let’s say, Lucifer for example (just picking a random entity to choose) how do you “give” it to them after offering? I was always a little perplexed by this.


As a male,my answer to you is, if I were to offer a pizza, I would eat it like I would eat pussy :rofl: with passion and spirit in mind.

If you have another questions, I can pm you instead.

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I would eat it too HAHA. I have a friend at work who is also into this kind of stuff… I showed her the pizza post and we both laughed. And both were like, “Soo can we eat that shit afterwards??” If you could pm me that would great. You seem really knowledgeable and friendly so I’m choosing you to bother with my newbie questions. :sweat_smile::rofl: I hope you don’t mind!

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you don’t offer pizza. U offer eating the pizza as offering. Who goes and just leave pizza on the altar? I think they would like the eating and tasting vicariously off you then pizza lying on table. haha. And no one touch my pizza. not even demons. lol You don’t give golden food away. =o) Make sure it’s combination with the works. No one topping pizza. that is meh.


I see… You and Littleshart have been so sweet and informative. Thank you… stuffed crust with red onions and green peppers are my go to btw) :stuck_out_tongue::slight_smile:

And I probably would have been the person to leave a slice of pizza on my altar LMAO. Least I know to eat it now. :joy:

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TOO LATE!!! your friend ate the pizza already. lol U too slow.

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If by friend you mean this big goofball who would eat anything you leave unattended for two seconds, (including chocolate chip icecream - a $60 poison control phone call later…) then yes. You are correct sir.


I like your line of thought regarding the religion topic and the other things you addressed , it’s pretty grounded and aware for calling yourself a beginner

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I appreciate your comment! Random information just “comes to me,” almost as if it’s innate knowledge. A medium did say I was reincarnated many times; even a powerful dark witch in a past life (Could or could not be true). But I like to think it is. (Who wouldn’t?) I feel very at home here on the forum already. Some of the stuff that comes in my head makes me feel so looney but it ends up being true information later. She did also say I have gifts I don’t know about yet, so hopefully lurking around here will help me discover them. I may have an inkling to what one may be but I rather keep it to myself at this moment, I don’t want to feel like I’m gloating, as I want to stay humble to those more knowledgeable than me.

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