New member

Hello everyone :wave:

I don’t really know what to put here lol but I’d just like to say that I’m eager to learn more about magick as possible and hopefully I will

Welcome i am new too

Welcome to the community. Don’t be afraid to share whatever details about yourself feel relevant to you. People here are happy to answer questions and offer any guidance they can.

What type of magick are you interested in? What do you hope to achieve by practicing it? What got you interested in this subject?

Thanks dor the welcomes. I’m not sure what type of magick I want to learn yet, but I do want to learn to eventually manifest some of my goals using magick


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested.

Do you have any experience in magick at all, or just starting from scratch?

@DarkestKnight I have had alot of spiritual experiences such as astral projection, OBE’S, visitations, but as far as actual magick I’m starting from scratch

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the forum.

Welcome to the forum.