New member

Hello world,
I’ve been watching this community grow and I’m proud to finally be joining in. I self-initiated into basic occult and hermetic traditions when I was fifteen, fifteen years ago so I’m in the habit of not discussing my practice with anyone. I believe we can only get so far on our own so I’ve decided to break that habit and contribute and interact in the hopes that I can give back to the community that has helped me so much. My personal magical practice is going very well at the moment and I’m reaping the benefits of my magnum opus, but I feel like it may have been impeded by not having anyone to practice with and bounce ideas off of the majority of the time. I appreciate a diverse approach to magickal study so I’ve read at least a little about everything I’ve come across including Voodoo/Yoruba/Ifa, Western and eastern mysticism, Wicca/paganism, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Sumerian/Babylonian, and Hindu mythologies, the top twenty most prevalent religions in the world, numerology, astrology, but with a primary focus on the left hand path, Buddhist meditation, demonology, hermeticism/alchemy, Thelema, Jungian psychology, and kabbalah/tarot. I live in Florida, USA, and grew up in a predominantly Christian small town. I wish to be of service to our collective magical family and I’ll be happy if all I do here is regurgitate information and help others fulfill their will.

Hail Shaitan


Welcome to the forum. Is there anything you’re focusing on right now?

Is this still what you practice? Part of the requirement of a proper introduction here is to tell us about your magical experience, and what you currently do.

Happy to be here, thank you. I’ve hit a bit of a snag since finishing some recent shadow work and I’m not really sure what’s next for me. I’ve recently started working with Belial to fill the time with great success so far. From what I’ve read, Belial is perfect for uncovering unnoticed issues to improve upon, so I’m very optimistic.

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Shadow work is an overloaded term, too. It can take many forms, with different intensities.

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So sorry for the confusion but I meant this part to answer that question.

To clarify, I regularly do tarot reading on myself for the purpose of ascension, ritual invocations, basic spell work, and meditation as of late.


I had forgotten how right you are about the term being overloaded until I sat down to explain what I actually meant by it. I’ve been looking inward to my subconscious/spiritual microcosm and bringing into harmony the inner aspects I’ve found there and the personal deities associated with those traits. It’s something I do every few years to reflect and to regain cohesion after undergoing personal growth and development and to revise my personal pantheon. It’s routine and not the same as addressing the Jungian shadow self which was something I started a long time ago.


It is. I did self-reflection and counseling for years. I also did an aggressive shadow path not too long ago. I’ve read of dream and astral ones. Older programmer here. Overloaded.

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I rely on self reflection and self counseling as very powerful tools, especially to handle the phycological aspects of the changes from things like the gatekeeper and shadow path working. I hope your shadow path went well, very easy for things to get rough. I looked up the programming term overloaded and that is a perfect definition for terms like shadow work and so many more that get tossed around.


It was. But it should be. Nothing worthwhile, especially in the Shadow realm, comes easy. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be our shadow :slight_smile:

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