New member intro

Hi, I’m new here. I’m not sure how exactly to use this format of communication, so if I do something wrong, my apologies. Also I’m not sure if this community is age restricted in anyway (I hope not).

What I came here for is assistance/guidance or anything at all that could help me into opening up this world of spirituality and magic. I’ve had no prior experience to all of this. I never knew where to begin and so I’ve been wondering the internet in search of a real place to begin. So here I am, I made this account in hopes of learning magic, and any or all things that come along with spiritual work.

If you get confused by what I say, sorry. As my username should read “Clouded_Intentions” because I’m so lost in all the random information I don’t know what is what and I tend to blurt out what comes to mind as I text.


Is there any format or aspect of magik that calls to you. Or just pulls your attention?

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It’s sorta hard to describe what exactly is what’s pulling me here but I feel like it’s just working with spirits. I don’t know alot or what types of magic there are out there.

Lately I’ve been looking into working with a demon. I was told King Paimon is great for beginners. He can help in arts, science and so forth. I want to further my knowledge into what magic really is. Maybe then I can find out whats calling me to magic.

Well then,

Should possibly look into basic shielding, meditation work, work on astral projection, energy manipulation. After that look into the lesser banishing ritual, also make sure you fully research king paimon. Learn what he likes and wants, also make sure you in understand the way he works.

If you decide to make contact regardless of your skill remember he is a king. Treat him with respect!


While I have not had troubles with demons, there are things that will say they are something they are not and can really impede your quality of life. You must learn to defend yourself, and to understand any message they can give you. Most people can’t hear, see, or touch ghost or demon without training. Even then it can better hit or miss.

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Where exactly would I be able to learn more about shielding and banishing rituals? I got a book called “The three magical books of Solomon” and I haven’t read much into it simply because it was quite difficult for me to even grasp the simplest of meanings because of how everything is worded. Do you know if the book can help with shielding and/or banishing rituals?

Id read the book to check myself but then again I’d expect it to say “banishing rituals”. Meaning I won’t know what is what even if I read it, due to the way the book was written. From what I read the book doesn’t always give a clear explanation for what something is being used for or if should even be used now.

(Thank you for responding btw. I appreciate the help)

My suggestion is to start simple with basic workings and practices that you can develope over time to get a better grasp of how to do more later on. Magick is a marathon, not a sprint, so I’d suggest looking into NAP, (google Miracle of The New Avatar Power) as it does provide success to start especially with keeping the habit of meditation as well as the basic principals of ritual such as starting and finishing. Also look into GOM (gallery of magick) as they have plenty of great books, most are decently easy reads in the sense that its explained more so into terms that are modern enough to grasp. I’d also suggest Crowley’s magick in theory and practice, and the book of the law. Now Crowley is a bit more flowery and theatric in his writings but has definably set the stage for modern practice in magick, id also suggest looking into the O.T.A (Ordo Templi Astarte) and Poke Runyon. Poke has made plenty of very informative books, videos, and podcasts about hermetic magick. If you need any help, ask questions and don’t be afraid to go nuts on the search bar!

*edited for a spelling error that I couldn’t ignore


If you want more knowledge on magick you can ask Archangel Metatron for more knowledge, there’s a simple and very powerful ritual to work with him in Archangels of Magick by Damon Brand (A GOM book). You can use Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield (another GOM book) to work with the Goetia spirits, although I’d recommend The Magick of Angels and Demons by Henry Archer first since it’s easier for complete beginners. You can also pray to a deity like Odin to help you gain knowledge. Or perhaps Hecate, she is highly associated with magick and many here work with her as well. Look for a pantheon that you feel a connection to, I feel a stromg connection to the Germanic/Norse Pantheon, probably through my ancestors, so I work very well with them.

72 Angels of Magick by Damon Brand is also another great one to work with Angels, there’s many ways they can help you. Then there’s Mystical Words of Power by Damon Brand, the third book in his Words of Power series, which also has some rituals which should improve your magick, as well as helping with many other things. The Words of Power books are a rather good starting point in magick, I had my first magickal success from Words of Power.

Now I actually wouldn’t recommend energy manipulation, I tried it when I started out but it fucked me up for a good while cause it’s not so good for beginners with real danger involved, so really know what you’re doing if your gonna do energy work, know how to release and circulate energy first.

For banishing, Archangels of Magick has a great ritual for that. Otherwise, Magickal Protection by Damon Brand has one you can do daily, and has worked very well for me in the past. GOM books are really great in general for beginners, easy to work with and get extremely good results. I’d recommend getting Masterworks of Chaos Magick by Adam Blackthorne (GOM book) eventually since it explains how to get magick to work, as well as providing a way to work with the 7 Olympic Spirits (highly highly recommend) and a ritual you can use for any spirit.


Hello @Clouded_Intention , I am DezRa welcome to the BALG community, and I wanted to thank you for sharing with the forum. You have found the right place for learning, teaching, and obtaining the knowledge in all areas of practice. I know you will be a great addition, and you will find a wide variety of knowledgeable people to aid in your path to ascension.


Nice to meet you @DezRa

I hope your right about being a great addition. I can be lazy which will more than likely be the case of me not progressing either way.

Thank you for welcoming me here, I’m glad everyone is so kind and friendly toward one another. Especially to new people.

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@Clouded_Intention At least you know that your lazy, that means it is something you can improve on… :wink:

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