New member intro

Hola saludos desde colombia para todos recién entro al foro escuché muy buenos comentarios sobre el sitio y espero aprender y servir para el crecimiento del foto . bendiciones

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Hello greetings from Colombia for all just entered the forum I heard very good comments about the site and I hope to learn and serve for the growth of the photo. Blessings

Hola mi nombre es Manuel . Llegó a ustedes básicamente por mi interés en aprender y ascender en la vida espiritual y terrenal claro está desde un ámbito magik .me identifico con el sendero de la mano derecha ,pero no temo caminar por el sendero izquierdo y llévar mi sabiduría un paso más aya soy fiel crellente de q cuando los dos senderos están equilibrados podremos tener completo dominio de nuestro ser


★ Please post in English: this forum welcomes new members from all around the world every day.

This, combined with the forum’s reliance upon member-moderation, where each member has the right and responsibility to help us keep our forum civilised and problem free, means that it is best to please keep posts in English, because that is the common language of the forum.

If you cannot read or write English easily, please contact Lady_Eva for advice on how to meet other members who can speak your language, or reply to this topic asking for help. :+1:

Conversations conducted in a non-English language need to be be taken to PM please, in order to remain inclusive and to facilitate member-moderation.

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