New in the forum

Hello everyone I’m new in the forum, I’ve lurked through this forum for a while reading about things that interest me, and after months I finally decided to join. This is weird, I never partake in paranormal forums as I’m somewhat secretive and never really share my opinion on such topics. Anyway, I’m not a magician but this website has some interesting content, nice to meet you all! Go on and introduce yourselves in the comments.


Welcome to the forum.

If I am understanding correctly, you are not a practitioner?


I’m very interested in the paranormal but I don’t practice magic, never tried it.


Glad to have you here! I can relate to having reservations about participating. I practically grew up in front of a computer, I do web design and development for a living, well over half of my education came from the internet, etc. Yet I’ve never been one to participate in forums or anything, sure I’ve read and searched and learned a lot from them, but almost never posted in them. Hell, I even shut down all social media for years at a time just because I didn’t want to have any part of it.
However, this place is something special, I enjoy participating here and I’ve learned a great deal in the short time I’ve been involved here.

Welcome to the BALG forum, it’s a nice place to visit, and an even better place to live!


Nice to meet you! I too have learned a lot from the internet and had spent a lot of time on the computer when I was younger. Not anymore though. But I too rarely if ever participated in a forum. :slight_smile:
But it’s good that you have a place where you’re anonymous and comfortable enough to open up!


welcome @Elesp!

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Thank you!

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I was born decades before the internet. You reckon you had it hard? Second-hand bookshops full of paperbacks with lurid, bare breasted women and cockerels. Decent books were hard to find and teachers even scarcer. I got into the internet back in late 1990s.


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Never mean’t to say I had it hard, wasn’t my point at all. Was just saying I related as a natural introvert. I was born in the early eighties, had my first computer somewhere around '90-'91 and first got the internet in the mid-nineties. Despite practically growing up on this medium that is supposed to connect people across the world, I rarely used it to connect with others. I spent most of the time just doing research and learning new things instead of socializing.

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