New in forum,looking for knowledge

hi i never did any kind of magic but in the past ( like 8-10 years ago ) when i was a kid 11 years old i was sleeping in a room with my mother and my uncle,very big room with heavy mobile made of wood however in the middle of my sleep i woke up hearin the wind hitting the door,the room was 100% dark and i decided to walk to the door using the wall to guide me to reach the door but i was sure that the door was closed but i still wanted to push the door just to make more sure
i walked back to my bed but when i turned my head to walk in the bed direction and i saw something trying to cut the air but only half of his body passed.
his appearance was strong,large body chest colored in yellow and red,long horns,an dagger in his left hand and a trident or fork something like that in his right hand i dont know exactly how to explain the details about it,he had a handkerchief in his neck.
he was in flames and his body appeared very consistent like i could even touch he spoke with me but never moved his mouth,the message was direct in my head and he said - do not touch the door again or you gonna die.
since this day i always try to find out who is this spirit/demon well i dont even know what was that i saw,i cant say if he is a spirit or demon i dont understand too much about this things but i do like to read alot of materials about it.
when i found the material of E.A Koetting in web i felt very impressed by his work and the manner he uses to explain and now i cant pass one day without visit this forum.
would like to ask to someone clarify this fact to me,wanted to know what was that that i saw,i have this moment captured in my head for years and i never knew what to do or to who ask more knowledge about it,it became something really hard to decipher but after i found E.A Koetting in web and this forum i wanted to try to obtain some information here about this occurrence.
i would like to thank you whoever read my message.
after five or six days reading this forum,i really enjoyed to see the people in here sharing his experiences,it was very interesting to me,very enjoyable to read and i never expected to find a forum where this kind of material is discussed.

thank you again and sorry for my weak english,i tried to write everything alone.

E.A koetting is addictive,always good to see his videos,hope he can accomplish all his wishes in world.
even not practicing magic, i can fell that he is very knowledgeable and if you put all this in your work,there is no chance to have failure.


Hello Hekau, first of all if you’ve been interested in finding who this “being” was you should stop looking for him, and start practicing magick, you have the “Become a Living God” from EA Koetting to get good foundations, and understand what the spirit world is

Seing that being means that, at least, you have potential to communicate with the spirit world. That being could be anything, you might just bumped with some entity in a moment you were “psychically opened”, so instead of trying to guess what that being wanted (he might not wanted anything at all and was having a walk and entered your house by chance), I recommend you start learning about real magick

[quote=“Hekau, post:1, topic:3936”]… the message was direct in my head and he said - do not touch the door again or you gonna die.

… would like to ask to someone clarify this fact to me,wanted to know what was that that i saw,i have this moment captured in my head for years and i never knew what to do or to who ask more knowledge about it,it became something really hard to decipher but after i found E.A Koetting in web and this forum i wanted to try to obtain some information here about this occurrence.[/quote]

I don’t think anyone can authoritatively - or accurately - tell you exactly what happened that night, but the image sounds like Baphomet’s most widely known imagery.

Did you ever read a book or see movies where you might have seen that image before, that then planted it in your mind?

And I’m curious, did you touch the door afterwards, and, was there any reason you were warned not to (like was it loose on its hinges or something)?

I second what Mavors says about learning some more magick, that way you may be able to finally get the answer you’ve wanted - directly from the spirits. :slight_smile:

I could be wrong but it sounds like an initiatory experience of some kind - a spirit making contact, at least.

If it was, then how do you feel right now about learning more magickal skills, what appeals to you? :slight_smile: