New here

Hi I’m new and a baby witch just learning what is what here in this witchy world.
I’m an empath and learning to protect myself, and what path to take

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Where do you hail from?

Do you have any experience in magick?

I’m from Ireland and very little experience but iv been told that I have a power in me

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What areas of magick are you most interested in learning?

To be honest I’m interested in sex magick (I’m a very shy person so it’s not like me) but always spell work.

What about you

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I’m a ceremonial magician so my focus is primarily on working with spirits, though i’m beginning to shift into direct energy manipulation and projection.

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I’m a little bit scared of spirit work, just learning about them

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Welcome to the forum :blush:

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I was also pretty afraid of spirits when I started, and to be honest with you, Angels still make me a BIT uncomfortable. But I can’t say I’ve ever had anything negative come from working with spirits, only good things really. Just make sure you have a good method for working with them. Most of The Gallery of Magick’s books are very safe in my experience and the experience of many others. Sometimes you just need to let go of the fear and go for it. They also have a book on sex magick, I could never really get into it because it is a bit too complicated for my liking, but you might find it useful or at least interesting, it’s called ‘Adventures in Sex Magick’ by Damon Brand.

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