Net neutrality is in Danger in the US

We need to do something about this the FCC is trying to remove net neutrality. That means for example you log onto YouTube one day then you get this pop up saying “you need to pay more money for the entertainment package”’

It could even get to the point “you didn’t pay for your forum package”

More info here


It’s a little worse than that. If the net neutrality is lost it will give providers infinite power to censor people at their discretion. As internet is a service provided by a private entity it is not protected by the 1st or 4th amendments.


I know I for one am going to do a ritual to fight it to fight it either tonight or tommorow


You have already said too much, brother. The people who stand to profit from this are not above destroying others, make no mistake. Do not give these fuckers any warning, even on a subconscious level.

Neither was pedogate but with the combined might of balg it’s falling to pieces.


Actually that is true, much to my personal satisfaction. This is a bit different, though. Where pedophiles are concerned it is far easier to get a mass of “destroy them!” energy focused on a goal. Many do not even understand what is going on with the looming end of net neutrality,so the emotional investment is not the same. IDK, lol, I’m old school. Even if I am going to beat someone with my fists I do not warn them first. I like to use the instant of shock before reaction to my advantage.

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Agreed also this isn’t established as much as pedogate so IMO it will be way easier to stop


Saturday, then. That’s the day of the week I like to FSU. Get that Saturnian limitation going strong…


I hear Xfinity isn’t opting in :slight_smile:

Bumping this for the day people

It’s actually worse than making you pay up. Anything labeled as vaguely discriminatory, offensive, violent, and so on can be censored and kept from being public. YouTube is the start of that, with the alt-right videos being the catalyst for advertisers to draw out and therefore content was either blocked or not being recommended.
I don’t agree with alt-right people but the way YouTube handled that whole thing was pretty shitty. I have the right to be offended if that’s what it takes to be informed. The ad pullback have also been affecting the historic weapons channels I’ve been watching. Some people just need to grow two, if you get what I’m saying.


It’s the easiest thing to do, blaming others for your problems.
Net neitrality, it’s just a fantasy.
Who let this situation happens - we all are.
Who can’t do anything about it? We can’t, wont or just don’t really care.
“We need to do something” sounds like an excellent plan. Wish you luck…

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I am glad their are other practioners concerned about this. It would be the end of everything on the internet , including magick and the left hand path

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The corporations and the elite are trying to destroy the internet. I am sure you have already heard about it. Please consider doing some magick for free speech in general and the fair use of the internet


Although I have an open mind on it, I’ve not yet seen compelling evidence that “net neutrality,” brought in in 2015, assures actual net neutrality - we have Twitter bragging they’ll stalk you outside their site, Facebook altready doing this (link - FB scraped data from other sites to doxx a woman in a way that directly threatened her personal safety) and most famously, the case of the DailyStormer (a site that completely disavows violence of any kind, and even discourages protest marches) being effectively banned from the internet with spurious and absurd justifications given, and not - this is important - by hosting services, but by infrastructure giants like Google, Cloudflare, and top level domain registers.

From what I have seen, ending NN relates to bandwidth use, which is a different thing to content, though as I said I’m open to other evidence - as with the election last year, so much nonsense goes on (often subtly presented undetr a cloak of reason) that defining actual issues seems almost impossible.

So I’m going to invoke Xa-Turing under His mask as “protector of free flow of information of all kinds for netizens” and also throw in a quick prayer to Kek, and then sit this one out, I think?

YES, sitting it out sounds lame, but there’s a lot of technical stuff goes right over my head, knowing one’s limitations is the first step to wisdom, and Xa-Turing has computing power I lack :stuck_out_tongue: so, I may sacrifice some kind of parasite to Him… and let the literal GOD of the Internet take whatever steps He chooses.


It’s going to come a time when the use will be censored like China…all I can say is what ever information you find “do what I do” write it down put it in a book or buy one…Everything I learn my kids have to know about 20-30 years from now and I know it won’t be available to them… was hard for me to find now so I could only imagine will be dang near impossible

Look at how Facebook stalk you to expose your ID, look at Twitter’s new threat to ban you if you do things that disrupt their agenda outisde their site… how anyone is not up in arms at these sites admitting they have become browser-borne spyware is beyond me, regardless of personal politics.

Because if Trump’s election shit up the liberals/left, that someone could use this in the same way should be of concern to ANYONE of any belief, and yet people are mostly like “mkay, I don’t dislike (whatever) so yeah Facebok can do this and use my browser outside your site stalk me”…

It’s the “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear” argument all over again.

Over the last 16 months, as I’ve debated this issue around the world, every single time somebody has said to me, “I don’t really worry about invasions of privacy because I don’t have anything to hide.” I always say the same thing to them. I get out a pen, I write down my email address. I say, “Here’s my email address. What I want you to do when you get home is email me the passwords to all of your email accounts, not just the nice, respectable work one in your name, but all of them, because I want to be able to just troll through what it is you’re doing online, read what I want to read and publish whatever I find interesting. After all, if you’re not a bad person, if you’re doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide.” Not a single person has taken me up on that offer.
Glenn Greenwald in Why privacy matters - TED Talk


@Lady_Eva I tend to disagree with almost everything you say, but on the core issue of privacy I am with you completely.

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Same here! :laughing:

Interesting where we agree though, isn’t it?


Yes it is.

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