Need some help with telepathy

So lately, I’ve been having a difficult time telling the difference between telepathic messages from spirits, parasites and intrusive thoughts. This wasn’t an issue in the past, but lately, the line between them has been blurred and my usual methods for filtering them haven’t been as effective (hopefully this should be remedied soon, once I figure out what’s going on).

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to better identify which messages are from spirits, from parasites/impostors and which are intrusive thoughts?

Hi @Prophet. I can only tell you what I experience with telepathic communication. When something is really a message or communication from another spirit or person, it affects not only my mind but also my emotions and in my bodily sensations as well. It truly feels like it has come not only from outside myself, but definitely also from another conscious being. I have changed my perspectives this way many times.

Intrusive thoughts are uncomfortable in the body, repetitive and just noisy. Meditation helps slow that stuff down a lot. If a message is meant for me it has stuck around patiently until I had the time to ponder it.

Intrusive thoughts go away pretty soon if I don’t give them importance, but messages that are meant for me do stick around for days and days.

I am not too familiar with parasites but I would probably bore them as I will wait for myself to get mental clarity. I think time is the best way to separate the important stuff from the rest of the noise.


Some of what Sonic says is similar to my experience, as well. I don’t have any experiences with parasites, but with people contacting me telepathically/remotely it will always be that the thoughts, sensations, or emotions, are coming from outside of myself. They will feel “not me”, and at the same time the real “me” will be a kind of bystander, observing what is happening from the outside looking in. Also the experience will hit me out of nowhere, with no pre-planned thoughts on my part. The thoughts are sometimes very different to the kind of thoughts I might usually have. A couple of years ago I started one night out of the blue to have some thoughts that were dark, hateful, and demonic. I have never had such thoughts before in my life - not of that particular nature, at least. And they felt like they were coming from outside of me and controlling me. I put a “protection shield” around myself and went to sleep. In the morning the thoughts were gone and never returned.

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Yes, prophet, first time i actually see any color of you. seeing from forum posts…

thing is, our brain is being MAPPED by ENEMY, much harder than before, they know ROUTES you use for spiritual communication, they are breaking laws, laws of singularity and law of mediumship, there is HUGE conciousness fall incoming…

I would like to say. do not worry, but personally, i cannot say that anyone is safe…

occult is dying… take it how you want…

telepathy as feelings will work as supposed, but talking will go very rare, learn to communicate with your hands… this doesnt really affect spirits, just living being…

people and beings that practice this, knows already that they are GODDAMNED so they will not let go of this…

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What can I say? I guess I was destined to be a cranky shitstorm goblin with forty sticks shoved up my ass :joy:

And this enemy is…?

I’ve seen this in my communication before. In possession sometimes I will get thumbs ups or head nods instead of outright talking through my mouth. I’m worried by what you mean. I hope word communication doesn’t become entirely impossible. Interesting posts/comments you have made. You have much knowledge. Respect to you. Thank you for all your insights in all of you comments.

Generally speaking the enemy is goverment. Alphabwticals like cia etc… some deities that work with them and their greys…

They are kinrda soulless…leeches…they dont evolve…want full surveilance and slavery… insecure…goddamned… probably earthstuck… waitin to die… Or end…

Broke Cerato r law… stole from death… screwed…

Delusion grandieur… of power