Need reassurance

Hi everyone, so lately I’ve been researching a lot of things about magical practices but every time i find someone asking about summoning or invoking whatever entity, there is tons of people saying that they will regret it or they are going to pay the price of such things
I really need reassurance on this one, is it true , if yes what is the price ? Other than energy and offerings, because I’ve done some invoking before and I’ve only given energy and offerings, thanks everyone


If you don’t go picking a fight, you don’t have much to fear.

Parasites exist and can fuck you up good, but there are ways to protect yourself. So pick a banish method and work with it. If you use legit rituals, you’re going to reach whatever spirit you want to contact,


Likely a bunch of people that parrot whatever someone else said without having any real experience on their own. It shouldn’t be your first practice, but when those same people are stuck in their development, the rest of us will continue to grow.

A little fear is okay. A lot of fear isn’t. If you’ve already invoked, as in brought a spirit into you, there shouldn’t be much fear at all. I’m assuming you’re not speaking of Solomonic evocation. That’s a different beast, due to how the entities are treated from the beginning (words and intent).

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Well if plenty of people knew what I get up to theyd say I would go to hell for it

However, that’s their superstition not mine

Also been told I’ll end up crazy… oh well, already suffered with my mental health long before magick and strangely enough practicing mastering control of my mind and emotions hasn’t done me any harm

The only price I seem to have paid is a few people worrying I’ll pay one

That being said, I don’t really mess with stuff I’m not comfortable with and I think that’s a good guide for anyone - if your gut says no to something - heed it


Thanks everyone for the answers, it’s good to feel assured about my practices, i still need practice but as all of y’all have worked to see and hear i will do the same


Where have you seen that? I haven’t seen anything negative from evocation/ invocation. As far as I am aware of there is no price to pay.


It’s rampant in Reddit subs, which lean heavily RHP, so I’m sure it’s there or some place similar where sheep think is prevalent.


Oh I stay away from Reddit it’s all trolls for the most part from
The little I have seen. Thanks for the information :grin:


Totally right reddit and other forums

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Yeah that’s what i say as far as we aware but my real question is, is there any hidden price ? Wich could be life threatening or downright dangerous


No there isn’t. Everything done is through Mutual consent so the pacts won’t have anything hidden.

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I was active in Occult, Witchcraft, and RealWitchcraft, but it turned into either a RHP front and/or another front for WitchesVsPatriarchy.

Even DemonolatryPractices, which I still check daily, has turned into more of a group-think where it’s mostly S. Connolly’s material or it doesn’t much count. While I got started with evocation through her stuff, it’s a jumping off point, not the endgoal.

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I’ve found that a powerful being can alter your life greatly. It’s unpleasant at first some times, but so is diving into cold water. You adjust eventually, and benefit from it greatly.

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Okay good to hear even tho i already knew it thanks again

Yes, there is a price to pay.

You will no longer be content with the mundane, and when you understand that you have the power, and the responsibility, for your life, and cannot place the blame on others for the bad things, depression and loneliness will set in.


Wise words here thanks for sharing

I know exactly how you feel, buddy. For days, I’ve dreamed of working with Bune. But part of me always feared the possibility of something going wrong like Bune not wanting anything to do with me. The main reason I feel this way is because I don’t know the proper way to contact him due to conflicting information between sources. The whole internet is just one big credibility mess. :frowning_face:

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