Need advice [on mushroom use]

Hi everyone, its around 1 week that im think of using magical mushrooms to contact Azazel, i just want to see how it feels like but im still not sure and i change my mind over and over again.
Do you guys think its worth or not?
And i live with my mother and brother so i dont want to make think akward or any others thing ( Im thinking of using 5 grams ).
Is it going to be unproductive for my magical development?

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Those are perfect for your magical development. Totally worth it.

But 5g, first time? And you don’t want your mother or brother to find out? They will certainly find out at that dose. They’ll probably detect 2 to 3g easily, too.

If you’re a beginner, maybe do 300mg to 700mg something to start out. Or perhaps even microdosing at lower levels. In other words, ease in…


They wont be in the home for around 6 or 5 hours a day, do you think its still dangerous to do it when they are not home?
I dont want to loose control and wake up naked in the mountain

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On their own, outside of anything else I think mushrooms are definitely worth it.

Generally, I’d say anything that benefits you psychospiritually is going to be good for your magic.

Just don’t get so preoccupied with it that you set yourself up for a bad trip

Tbh though, Azazel maybe wouldn’t be my first choice without a well established connection before hand.

His energy is very intense and abyssal and could be very jarring on a big trip.


He is the closest spirit to me, he helped me alot

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The trip will probably last 6 or 7 hours, peaking the first hour or two. So that might be okay.

I would not go from 0 to 5 grams, though. Not without a “sitter”.

I’d maybe break this up into a few days…

First day, 300mg.

Then recuperate. Build back your brain chemicals.

Next time 1 gram.

Then 2 grams.

Then 3

Honestly, you could probably see the whole astral and Azazel around 3.

At 5, you probably won’t care to talk to Azazel anymore. You will almost certainly have your ego ego dissolved for awhile, and likely come back realizing you and everyone and everything is divine… and you are just as powerful as anything you could call. Except it won’t just be words. You will BE this. Lol. It’s quite intense.

I mean this forum is called Become a Living God and all. I do think higher doses definitely help you do that!!


So i will go with 3 grams, thanks

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But is this your first time?

Please, dear one, work your way up a bit… You sound young and I want to make sure you remain healthy and safe. At 3, you might see some things are not prepared for.

I just did 3.1g using Lemon Tek, followed an hour later, by putting them in some nice Swiss honey… fasted for a bit and ate them.

That was quite intense, let me tell you. Enough to make some drastic life changes, even though I was well below the 5 to 8 grams typically thought to be required for ego dissolution.

Please pay careful attention to what @crookedpathfinder says here

You sort of need to plan this well. Be strategic and kind to yourself.

These are incredible tools, but like knives, they can be quite sharp, too. Be careful and wise.


Thanks for your advice, sure i will start by 1 gram, for the 2th time 2 grams and then 3 grams.


Phew. The relief I hear from this is enormous.

I feel you are on a much better path now, with a good future — able to get to where you want to go. Oh, and have fun!


Thanks, is it safe to start with 1 gram ?
And is can it be addictive?

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I think 1 gram is safe, but this is a matter of opinion. I’m sure many can chime in here.

Quite a few people now microdose. It’s kind of trendy. They use 100mg to 500mg (.1 to .5g), and there’s even a few scientific papers on how they get a lot of the benefits (such as depression relief) without the downsides.

Substances that are addictive usually create a severe low, sometimes a painful low — or a harm — that is then partially rectified by using more of the substance. This cycle doesn’t really exist with mushrooms.

The only part that’s close to the addictive cycle is the depletion of brain chemicals, which is going to lead to a natural low (not a severe low) until you build up your neurotransmitter stores once again.

After each trip, make sure you eat some protein and take your vitamins. The amino acid l-phenylalanine is a precursor to many of the neurotransmitters mushrooms use up. You could take that directly, if you want.

People who seem to be “addicted” to mushrooms just like them a whole lot. Yet I’ve never seen someone talk about using high quantity of mushrooms for years and years on end. (Just a little bit each year maximum)

It must happen, but I just haven’t seen it.

In fact, checking Google Scholar for “psilocybin addiction” I only really see scientific literature on mushrooms being used to treat addiction.

(Google is rarely anybody’s friend anymore, but Google Scholar can be!)

Personal experiences will vary a lot, however. Hopefully others can chime in and share theirs. Especially as you ultimately intend to use this for evoking your favorite entity (which I find to be quite cool, of course!)


Thanks for all of your help🤍

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Tbh i also want to do mushrooms to enhance my craft i believe it would heavily change me. Yet i am having a hard time getting my hands on these in my country. I know that i can order the spores directly, its legal in my country to buy them but consuming the mushrooms or owning mushrooms isnt so i fear that it could lead to a heafty fine.

Anyone got advice for that


If you’ve done mushrooms before and can bring up the experience again in your mind, you can call the mushroom spirit to find the mushrooms. I did it based on this thread. It worked.

I happened to find them in the house, but you can ask for people to approach you about them.

They’re illegal most places, but you should work hard to make that thought small, fade it black. Push it far away. Fears of persecution and tripping don’t mix! (And often this is not something you’ll be caught doing, anyway)

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Do you order the shrooms? Otherwise, how do you know how much your doing?

The couple of times I did them was with an old school druggie dude and we just went out and picked our own and made mushroom tea. Other than I can say I drank about coffee cup size of the tea I have no clue how much I did. But I tripped for days.

Would you just weigh them before doing anything with them?


I didnt do mushrooms yet so i guess it wont work

Got some friends who are telling me that in a near place these mushrooms naturally grow but i doubt it act

Another question, what type of shrooms do you recommend? Albino A+ ?

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Im going to order it


Ah now strains, that’s a good question for @Alahimavatara. He’s more up to date.

When I grew them myself (with the spore needles), I used to just grow psilocybin and golden teachers. Not sure if I did Albino, or not. I think I was too busy experimenting with the growing mediums, to see if I could bring out different facets. (The epigenetics of them, basically)

You can order fully grown mushrooms where you are?? Lucky!