Need a demon to hunt down my enemies andcdestroy them including some christians

Hi I am new and always bullied and attacked by people. I need protection from demons who are able to kill on my behalf. How do I start? I live in Singapore and feel that many people here like to ostracize me for novreason .some peopke get it so easy but it seems like i m cyrsed with stupidity and ugliness and people ofctjis workd act like hitler and want to exterminate imperfect people like me. I am my wits end.

First, you’ll need to develop your skills of sensing the astral and communicating with demons. Then we’ll help you.

If you have any question regarding those skills, check out Koetting’s newsletters, books and articles.

As an alternative you could put that same effort into creating the kind of life you want. You mentioned that you feel imperfect, you may want to work on yourself before you work on others.

I found that my occult practice, and life for that matter, never got off the ground until I saw my own selfworth. If I did not respect myself why would anyone else (demons included).

Are you in any immediate danger?

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Indeed, working on yourself is more paramount than wanting to affect others first.

As Orismen points out, without actually doing that. And then developing the necessary skills and attributes for all of this, you can sit around and yell at the top of your voice for demons to come and nothing will happen.

Words are cheap when one is absorbed by rage, anger, despair and all that. For if you are not in control of yourself, even if you do attain some form of spiritual contact. Your insecurities can eat at you and you may just spiral into delusion.

It is also possible that in the end, the spirit will direct your actions instead.

This is so fucking true it is unreal. If you can not command your own will then you will never succeed that this game. Well put Orismen

[quote=“Orismen, post:3, topic:1813”]As an alternative you could put that same effort into creating the kind of life you want. You mentioned that you feel imperfect, you may want to work on yourself before you work on others.

I found that my occult practice, and life for that matter, never got off the ground until I saw my own selfworth. If I did not respect myself why would anyone else (demons included).

Are you in any immediate danger?[/quote]

[quote=“Orismen, post:3, topic:1813”]As an alternative you could put that same effort into creating the kind of life you want. You mentioned that you feel imperfect, you may want to work on yourself before you work on others.

I found that my occult practice, and life for that matter, never got off the ground until I saw my own selfworth. If I did not respect myself why would anyone else (demons included).

Are you in any immediate danger?[/quote]

Yea, that is right. If you are in immediate danger, maybe you should hire a legit magician.
To me really start performing magic and stuff, I had to pass through that and grown a bit.

I’m sorry you’re going through such a shitty time.

I just wanted to chime in and say you should look into angelic protection. I know you said you wanted demons, but the angels I’ve worked with have ground people into the floor when I petitioned them. If they think someone is hurting you unjustly, they will absolutely give them hell. One guy that hurt me ended up losing his apartment, his car, his possessions, and got the shit beat out of him before I finally called them back. Angels or not, they are brutal.

If you’re interested, check out New Avatar Power. The defensive and offensive rituals in there are fantastic.

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I Completely agree with Blacklamb on this one people have alot of misconceptions about Angels

They can be fucking terrifying and yes they can crush and even kill enemies when called to do so its all about finding the right angel for the job

but as blacklamb said even protective angels can be preeeety tank when they want to be lol

I agree with the above two posts. Try Michael he’s perfect for what you’re describing. EA even posted an article a while back about him attacking a witch coven, a couple of bullies should be no problem.

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Kinjs, greetings from Europe, my advice is start with something smooth to increase your self confidence in magick, try some protective spells wich will punish your enemies first, the more they go against you the more they’ll get against them.

After that you can pass to some serious stuff, like the one you are asking for. Read the Become a Living God book from E. A. Koetting so you can learn to protect yourself/attack magickally, it’s important you get the theory of how magick works first instead of going blind.

And take into account the excellent advice of Orismen and Blacklamb. Self Improvement never ends, and thats pretty too, when you reap your fruits. About NAP, it works simply GREAT, my enemies went down like flies and I stood protected by my allies (the NAP allies, thanks, thanks, thanks)

Welcome to the forums

There’s a french saying: “La puissance ne respecte que la puissance”, power only respects power. While it’s true that self control is very important, there are forces in your life that have to be destroyed. Either people, or circumstances or both. It’s not always as easy as having the insight, taking appropriate action, and all the trouble will stop. Some people are just fucked up people. They will try to mess with you, regardless of your good intentions. And such people most often run completely on domination/submission circuits. And they have to be treated accordingly. Those who seek friendship shall find it in me. Those who seek destruction shall find it in me. This kind of mindset keeps a lot of people from fucking with you.

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I’m going through something at the moment with some douchlicks that I am working with. They are in for a surprise that’s for sure. I’ve already dropped Hell Locusts on their lives and I’m watching as they slowly eat away at one mans health and another’s happiness. Both are losing their finances as well. However, I am seeing adverse effects happening to me as well as they have pushed me out of my job and are attempting to make my life hell. I am looking for the right group of spirits to totally fuck them up. I’ve considered Michael, and I’ve also considered turning them over to Abaddon or Dra’tal’on. I have no problem evoking spirits, though, I have some limitations where I’m at working at sea. No circle, candles, knife or incense allowed on board. Any advice over which demon/angel to fuck their worlds up? I’d actually like to watch as they rape their souls for everything they are worth, and I only have 12 days with these bastards! Hook a brotha up, yo!

Zecharya not doing any kind of magick barrier?

Babylonian spirits worked for me fine yet Ive never “passed the line” with them.

Anyway EA mentions Pazuzu, give him a try

As blacklamb said,use the angels.I’m not too far in my ascent meaning I can’t evoke yet.However I have found a way to get people banished from my life all together.Heres what I do: I perform the LBRP,but then starting back at the east I call upon the angels to come down from their heavenly abode.Be specific like when I call Michael I say "Mi-ki-el ruler of Hod,come down now to stand at the south of my circle.Do this starting from the east with Raphael then move clockwise,and after the incantion of each angel (by the have your hands lifted into the air towards their cardinal direction) breath in and feel them and their power and presence course through your arms.Once you feel them there give your command to bind whoever or whatever is bothering you.Paying more attention to Michael as he is great at protection has worked for me,but speak with all the angels is important.Maybe ask Raphael to help with your own issues.This is a ritual I created myself when 2 different people were attacking me,and it worked.

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