Need a bit of help from some professionals about an experience I had two days ago

By the way do you think that if it is her then she is doing this to try and hurt me just because she can? Seeing as me and her don’t talk anymore so there’s no reason anymore for her to be around me or have anything to do with me unless she wants to hurt me just for the sake of it

Tell her that you know what’s she doing against you, it will weaken her actions towards you.

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Do you believe that it’s her doing this as well to me? Because in the end I don’t know 100% if it even is her as she herself didn’t want anything to do with demons and ghosts and everything because of how she is a paranoid schizophrenic and so it’s hard to believe that she would ever put a hex on someone unless maybe it’s because of the new guy she’s with that might have done something? I don’t know I’m still not 100% sure it’s her or not which is why I’m saying things like “if it is her”

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