Necromancy Health Risks

No. You need to cleanse your own self, not necessarily your space. Although, if you do encounter a particular nasty spirit and they follow you home, you may indeed find yourself in need of cleansing the entire property. However, the LBRP isn’t strong enough to get rid of a spirit.

Personal cleansing wise, I use a specific rite with Santa Muerte that I got from a friend (which I’ve found extremely useful). I won’t divulge this little work, but cleansing baths are extremely potent in cleansing and something I would recommend after emerging from the cemetery.

Furthermore, I highly suggest that anyone seeking to do necromancy wear WHITE, never black. The latter color attracts negativity and the attention of spirits, while white keeps away negativity. The difference is quite startlingly in my experience. Wearing black, I’ve left the cemetery feeling sick, extremely heavy, and unbearably tired. And while searching for the correct spirit, I’ve felt pulled in so many directions at once that it was difficult to discern which pull was for the right spirit. White got rid of all those issues. In fact, I felt very clean and fresh throughout the entire journey and knew exactly where I needed to go.
I don’t recommend replacing cleansing baths with wearing white, but that they should be done in conjunction with one another.

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There’s nothing wrong with negative energy/spirits. In fact a lot of systems that I’ve come across require you to work with this kind of energy on a regular basis. If we’re talking about negative effects such as the magician’s health being influenced then it’s obviously an operator’s error on the magician’s part NOT the spirits or energy that they are working with.

To really benefit from these more Nocturnal systems you have be a magician 24/7 not someone who does all their magick on the weekends and closes the book after the ritual is done until the next weekend.

This is why a lot of these systems require the magician to take part in predatory vampirism. The individual could gain some serious advantages by working with or developing a symbiotic bond with an entity that would be classified as a “hungry ghost” but they would have to feed it regularly so that they don’t suffer any ill effects. This takes time and devotion that most people don’t seem to have and I think this is why someone would develop a brain tumor or degenerative disk disease.

I haven’t banished in years but I’m still here alive and doing well. Predatory Vampirism is key in my opinion if one wants to sustain themselves within the current of negative energy.


Or you can just backfill with other types of freely-available energy - a lot of the same energy I learned to channel in healing will do the job.

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Do you honestly believe soaking yourself in negative energy and keeping around inherently malevolent spirits is actually beneficial? It’s not in the least. That’s what I’m talking about, written cleansing, getting rid of this kind of crap.

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Yes, I’m sure it’s beneficiary for the magician depending on what system you’re working with. Soaking yourself with or consuming negative energy is one of the most basic exercises that is utilized in many works that would be considered as Nocturnal Magick. Book of the WitchMoon, WoD, and The Nocturnicon are just a few examples of works that involve this.

People shouldn’t fear these “negative” aspects of their psych. These systems are not meant to be easy because you ritually tear down any and all barriers between you and your shadow self. If you can’t keep a malevolent spirit that you’re working with in check then it’s time to gtfo and find a new hobby. Just saying…

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I see your problem now. Necromancy DOES NOT work with your “shadow self”, there is no psychological babble going on here. You do not invoke the “negative aspects of your psych”. Your are working with spirits of the dead. I usually work with spirits I meet in the cemetary. But they are NOT representatives of your mind. That’s complete Bullshit.

I dated a dead guy (spirit, not body) for months and I loved him, and after we sorted the backfill thing, we got along fine. I don’t expect anyone to believe this but hey, whatever - not all people are the same, not all dead people are the same, and sometimes you can feed them and nurture them and backfill (I took that word from the book The Martian but it’s a perfect description) and all be fine.

The sweet dust of his kiss, and the way he taught me more about the afterlife than any philosophy.

He wasn’t part of my mind btw, but some people think that, whatever.

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I think there was a misunderstanding of my initial post that sparked this particular conversation.
When I talked about cleansing and removing malevolent energies/spirits, this is what I was talking about…

When I prepare for a work of necromancy, the first thing I must do is find a spirit to do the job. To do this, I approach the gate of the cemetery and feed the gatekeeper and tell him what kind of job I need done. Then I walk to the section I work in and feed my Dead Man, sort of like a familiar who lives in the graveyard and knows all the inhabitants. He leads me to the spirit(s) for the job and protects me from detection by security guards et al. When I find the spirit, I feed them with a libation of water and purchase some earth with a coin. I tell them what I need done and work out payment. With that settled, I allow them to rest and make my way out of the cemetery. When I get home, I cleanse/purify myself to get rid of any malevolent spirits, shells, or energies that may cause me problems or interfere in my working. The kind of energy I cleanse off is the negative energy that causes physical disease and mental illness, not any “shadow self” stuff. The same kind of stuff you remove in limpias, that desperately try to make yourself its new host when it crawls up your arms and makes you sick.

Hungry Ghosts can be fed, elevated and worked, negative energy can be used in curses, sure! But that’s not what I’m talking about or trying to do when I’m gathering a spirit for a regular job, like say, a healing spell. And least of all, I do not speak of working with one’s darker self in reference to necromancy, dark as the art may be at times.

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[quote=“Lady Eva, post:27, topic:4686”]I dated a dead guy (spirit, not body) for months and I loved him, and after we sorted the backfill thing, we got along fine. I don’t expect anyone to believe this but hey, whatever - not all people are the same, not all dead people are the same, and sometimes you can feed them and nurture them and backfill (I took that word from the book The Martian but it’s a perfect description) and all be fine.

The sweet dust of his kiss, and the way he taught me more about the afterlife than any philosophy.

He wasn’t part of my mind btw, but some people think that, whatever.[/quote]

I just read a grimoire that fehelt like a lover’s guide to Azrael, The Angel of Death. It moved me somewhat.

The Necromantic Ritual Book.PDF

By Leilah Wendell

Maybe you should learn how to read because I never said I was talking about Necromancy in both of my posts. I made it clear that I was talking about Nocturnal Magick and negative energy. You know the magical systems that I name dropped some books on that work with negative energy and shade drinking, so don’t jump to conclusions and put words in my mouth because that is complete Bullshit.

The Necromantia Ritual Book. PDF

It’s full of invocations of death.

Well then what do you think of Dantes situation?

I think I know what’s happened after reading his left hand palm technique, plus I now understand Crowelys " Will + Imagination= magic ". Dante mixed east with West and has been tapping into his Chi or lifeforce, thusly according to some Tai Chi masters, we don’t have an infinite source of chi and Dante has maxed out his.

Maybe you should learn to read, considering that we’re in the NECROMANCY section and I was talking about NECROMANCY.
If we’re talking about the health risks of NECROMANCY, why should you even begin talking about completely different systems?

Keep it civil please, people. You’re both skilled at what you do, and there’s no need for name-calling.

[quote=“prg5001, post:15, topic:4686”]I would suggest that with any health issue the best way (alongside consulting a doctor) is to get in touch with the demon causing the problem, find out what they want and then find a way to give them what they want so they go away satisfied. Win-win.


There is a belief that not dealing with Adverse Childhood Events (ACE’s) can result and are the cause of many diseases. Makes sense that unresolved negative energies are the cause’s.

[quote=“Euoi, post:21, topic:4686”]No. You need to cleanse your own self, not necessarily your space. Although, if you do encounter a particular nasty spirit and they follow you home, you may indeed find yourself in need of cleansing the entire property. However, the LBRP isn’t strong enough to get rid of a spirit.

Personal cleansing wise, I use a specific rite with Santa Muerte that I got from a friend (which I’ve found extremely useful). I won’t divulge this little work, but cleansing baths are extremely potent in cleansing and something I would recommend after emerging from the cemetery.

Furthermore, I highly suggest that anyone seeking to do necromancy wear WHITE, never black. The latter color attracts negativity and the attention of spirits, while white keeps away negativity. The difference is quite startlingly in my experience. Wearing black, I’ve left the cemetery feeling sick, extremely heavy, and unbearably tired. And while searching for the correct spirit, I’ve felt pulled in so many directions at once that it was difficult to discern which pull was for the right spirit. White got rid of all those issues. In fact, I felt very clean and fresh throughout the entire journey and knew exactly where I needed to go.
I don’t recommend replacing cleansing baths with wearing white, but that they should be done in conjunction with one another.[/quote]

You are absaloutly right about the Sacred White Robe, just like a priest giving mass wouldn’t dare to not wear his vestments so neither should we during our ceremonies. It symbolizes too much for it not to be used , even if it’s a placebo or a potent statement of the magcians intent.
Good on you for compiling your own grimore, if that’s why the secret ceremony, would be a milestone though.