Name that animal

here i posit a challenge!

which animal doesn’t have a tail?

today, while breathing in SHAKTI, i connected some dots, and it turned out that i don’t have a tail.

and all animals on this planet have it.

for some time now i claim that we have all (especially white people) been ostrecized. castrated! spiritually castrated.

now i understand that we don’t have tails.

we don’t even comprehend what does it mean to have a tail. what does a tail possess?

Hanuman has a tail. of course, since he’s a monkey. but it is said that Shakti came along on a journey with Shiva to be with him while he descended on earth plane to live as Hanuman.

shakti is in tail. like a limb which rests in the deep. the deep.

we don’t have it. and i don’t want to hear any dumb comments about humans actually have a tail. couse we don’t.

i ask here, how to obtain it?



Don’t worry, when I become a goddess everyone’s getting a tail! :smiley:

Hey seriously, this probably sounds crazy but project yourself into whatever astral realm you feel most at home in, and will yourself a tail, travel round with it a bit, see if it has any new energy centres or whatever… you can change into pretty much anything there, and learn from the experience.

Even humans have a tail when they are in the first stages of fetal growth and the tail disappears and turns into the bottom part of the spinal cord, the stage where we look like baby tadpoles with human heads. Some people don’t fully “lose” their tails and end up with a boney stump above their butt, forgot what that condition is called.

Here’s some illustrations:

And from Wikipedia:

"The coccyx, or tailbone, is the remnant of a lost tail. All mammals have a tail at some point in their development; in humans, it is present for a period of 4 weeks, during stages 14 to 22 of human embryogenesis.[15] This tail is most prominent in human embryos 31–35 days old.[16] The tailbone, located at the end of the spine, has lost its original function in assisting balance and mobility, though it still serves some secondary functions, such as being an attachment point for muscles, which explains why it has not degraded further.

“In rare cases congenital defect results in a short tail-like structure being present at birth. Twenty-three cases of human babies born with such a structure have been reported in the medical literature since 1884.[17][18] In rare cases such as these, the spine and skull were determined to be entirely normal. The only abnormality was that of a tail approximately twelve centimeters long. These tails were able to be surgically removed, and the individuals have resumed normal lives.[19]”
~ [url=][/url]

Trad. Hindu thought holds that we have 7 lower chakras relating to animal/instinctive states of mind, they’re mapped to the legs and feet but it’s interesting that we once had a spinal-column extension that was so prominent.

Well I for one am glad we don’t have them. It would literally be a pain in the arse, getting caught in car doors, elevators, etc. Not to mention having to move it out of the way every time you want to sit down. Then I just know whenever I got bored after running out of stuff to look at on the Internet I would compulsively run circles in the room chasing it. The doctor would eventually have to put me on the idiot pill because I won’t stop chasing my own tail.

People would have to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n … no more crushed commuter trains and subways, no more running into elevators at the last moment, it would revolutionise that smug martyred “busy-busy” BS a lot of urbanites have going on! :slight_smile:

No more dashing out the front door and slamming the car door at 6am, either - a pattern of behaviour I find quite ridiculous.

Tails would bring a little dignity and composure back to a world that has mostly dispensed with that sort of thing.

Airline seats would be forced to reverse their march towards compressing the rows closer and closer, as well.

Mums with young children could use them to give the kids something to chase while they paint their nails or whatever, and most manual trades would probably find them useful. :slight_smile:

Not to mention having to move it out of the way every time you want to sit down. Then I just know whenever I got bored after running out of stuff to look at on the Internet I would compulsively run circles in the room chasing it. The doctor would eventually have to put me on the idiot pill because I won't stop chasing my own tail.

But think how adorable everyone would suddenly look:

Back to things as they currently are - I’m currently trying to figure out how dog paws relate to doggy energy centres, I’m familiar with the way reflexology maps organs onto the human foot (and acupineology maps planetary stuff onto the hand), so I’m wondering how it works for them.

If the body is the manifest vehicle of the soul, having an entire body part (tail) that we dispense with must be significant, as must the different configurations of the extremities in animals…

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:6, topic:6202”]People would have to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n

No more dashing out the front door and slamming the car door at 6am, either - a pattern of behaviour I find quite ridiculous.

Tails would bring a little dignity and composure back to a world that has mostly dispensed with that sort of thing.[/quote]

exactly my fucking point!

thanks Eva! i’m gonna get my tail back.

when i do breathing into my tail, drawing energy from HER into my pelvis… after doing it for about 1-2 hours i walk around like differently, and i act differently.

i walk like a coolest dude i know. and i don’t even know such coolnes. i’m filled with HER, and i feel like bodybuilder sorcerer winner that just came out of his harem.

that’s how people should walk around. filled with POWER. when i fantasize about my utopian planet… everybody would do energy exercises… and nobody would fuck around. no jewish fucks could ever pass their banking tricks and enslave the race.

fuck it. if you’re lazy, you’re giving yourself up to be fucked.

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mmmmm so much fucking…

so yeah, i’m basicly saying that (conspiracy theory fag here) we have been modified - and somehow retarded on purpose.

this is becoming a living god on earth - HARD MODE


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