Mystique's Mindless Montages

Yes it does

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This is kinda how Lucifer appears to me, too. I don’t know if anyone else seen him like this, though. :thinking:

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I had a nice and relaxing vacation. I feel so cleansed and refreshed. I feel this could definitely be a big benefit for my magick.


Wow, so, last night I probably had a bunch of crazy dreams, but I can’t forget part of one…

I remember the dream started out with me chilling in the back seat of a car. I been having a conversation with whoever was driving. Then, a guy appeared next to me and was annoying the hell out of me. I then growled, grew claws, grabbed the guy, and I threw him out the window, lol!

I sat in the passenger side, and then, the driver made a remark about me being sweet/cute and crazy/strong/tough. I can’t remember exactly, but it was something along those lines. Then, the dream ended with me kissing him on the cheek.

The guy had blonde hair that was in a pony tail. He had a fair skin tone and green eyes. He was quite charming. My first thought was Lucifer, but I may be wrong.

I saw something familiar. Only he had the wings.

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Yes, sounds like him. Positive feeling when he is here.

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I don’t get a Lucifer feel. He has made visits to me to give me messages in my dreams several times and has visited sensually once putting me in paralysis. This doesn’t sound or feel like him to me but it does sound like you had a very pleasant dream.

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Yeah, something did feel a little off when I thought it was Lucifer, but whoever it is, they’re charming enough for me to have butterflies in my stomach by just thinking about him, lol.

I also remember in the dream I started out by having difficulties with seeing him. He then helped me out with trying to see him, and when I got happy after finally seeing him, he smiled at me so charmingly.

Damnnit, I gotta find out who this is. I have a crush on him, now. :see_no_evil:

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You’ll probably find it to be an unnamed " lesser entity" and not a God or a Daemon King. Most people want to jump to that but there are loads of spirits running around and they’ll pretty much let you think that they are whoever it takes to get you going. They can be very sweet and tender and also sometimes vicious attackers. Sounds like you might have a nice one around.

Keep your mind open and get to know this guy for who and what he is. The sweet ones are a catch and probably aren’t in anyone’s grimoires. And they can be quite…:smiling_imp: Delicious. Had one pop in once that knew just what to do at all the right moments.

Enjoy your new friend darlin :blush:


I think you’re right. If he’s unknown, I’ll definitely try to gather information about him and share with others. He seems like too much of a sweetheart to not tell others about him. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Oh yes no keeping for yourself do share :rofl:

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Letting others know about him may please him, and he’d gain more energy/power that way, too.


Assuming he wants to be known about.

So far pretty much every entity you’ve interacted with seems to have been fuzzy with their exact identities towards you. If he doesn’t want to give you a name it’s probably for a reason.

Some of the common ones is that they don’t want to be talked about and think this is the best way to stave off temptation or want to interact with you through aspects that aren’t common and it’s easier without a concrete idea of who they are.


So I ended up waking up to instantly having a small chat with someone. They were telling me that they’re a vampire. Then, they proceeded to tell me about how they’ll stick by my side.

I don’t know if it was the same dude from that one dream, but I’ll just roll with this.


I remember that there was someone in all my dreams last night. They were sticking by my side. Maybe it was the vampire guy?

When he was saying how he’ll stick by my side, he was saying how sweet I was. He said some other things that I can’t quite remember, but the point is that it sounds similar to the guy from that one dream. :thinking:


Ech, today has just been so tiresome, and I know why. I will hopefully gain an ally soon, so they can help me fix that issue. I feel they’d be a perfect help, so I’m hoping they actually would like to befriend me.


Well, I guess today my goal is to find the identity of another mysterious entity. I feel that this one will be worth it. I’m feeling some sort of connection already, and I’m definitely sensing them easier than sensing any other entity.

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Hmm, I had an interesting dream last night… It wasn’t a sex dream, but it was intimate. I’m not sure if it was just an ordinary dream, or if it was actually an entity in it…

Something just doesn’t feel right, though…

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Grounding before doing baneful magick! :joy::ok_hand:


The dreams I had last night were pretty interesting, and I remember that in most or maybe all dreams, there was an entity by my side. One thing he told me, that I can’t seem to forget, is “I want you to be able to trust me.”

I keep being told the entity is more likely to be a deity. Hmm, I wonder what type of deity, though. :thinking:

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