My thanks to Raphael

I’m making this post as a public thank you to Raphael for helping me by healing someone. This is my first time making a post like this so bear with me and I’ll start at the beginning. A few days ago someone I know went to the hospital with bad chest pains so that night I wrote a petition to Raphael asking him for help because I don’t know anything about healing. His assistance was quick and very effective. After a day the pain was much lesser than it initially was. I was so relieved to hear that and shocked that they felt better so fast. Another day or so later there was no more chest pain. So, I’m officially saying thank you so much Raphael.


Very good article , keep up the hard work

thanks for sharing. keep it up! :ok_hand:t4:

did u promise him you’d make a post thanking him publicly?

I did

oh alright. Glad yo u got the help you needed.
Raphael is very keen to help with physical healing. I think he didnt like much when i asked him if he could fix one of my old hard drives tho…
if anyone knows any spirit that can fix stuff like that… let me know

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Mikael (Michael) perhaps. It is said he is the archangel of fire. Fire is related to electricity. Just ask if he is able to, or knows someone else for the job.


im glad to know how raphael works