My take on mystical teachings

This post was really dense, and about as soon I had finished typing it I didn’t like it…In a lot of words I said a little. I wanted to point out pretty much that science, philosophies, religions, mystical teachings, and anything else has a lot of common ground while being presented as separate. It makes for a lot of confusion, and trying to unify them can too. Just how inseperable everything is would probably blow my mind, but I have yet to have experienced myself as an all encompassing consciousness kind of in the same way that I dont know what its like to have taken ayahuasca or taken hits of DMT. Given the opportunity I would, and I know that taking psychedelics are not the only way to break illusory barriers but…I stil have trouble with the idea that all is one. I know that polarities play into one another but to let go to the universe, or to stay grounded, I seem to look for the latter. Any suggestions? xD

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I’m starting already not to like this post lol

So what is the condensed version, that there are many paths to the same goal? I had my first fallaway from the religion I was raised with at eighteen. I have not been a steady follower since then, so pretty sure Christianity is not my path … at least not by the general sense. Loving others and loving yourself? I can be fine with that. Many things I am not fine with.
Listening to Alan Watts prattle on about Bhuddism and Hinduism tends to make more sense to me.


Alan Watts is the shit!!^^


But yeah I kind of think that I complicated something simple, and brought about unanswerable questions that could complicate questions that answer themselves by being the questions that they are.

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I may take this one down.

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Just condense it :slight_smile:

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I mean I don’t trust the universe enough to intentionally become one with everything, but I also get to thinking that that same distrust and unwillingness might be debilitating, and I really dont know what to think about it. I wanted to see more commonality to justify losing my sense of self, because I cant let go of my sense of self. I don’t want to lose one piece of me. Which is part of why have to do things repeatedly sometimes…By getting into technicalities I may be beating around the bush when it comes to what I want to accomplish, but I do still doubt that all is one, and I dont know if I want to meet the one that all is.

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Mysticisms great problem to me is delivering messages back promptly to the people that need to hear them.
I find that trance is easy for me with aid of cannabis, sometimes teas and sleep deprivation.
I can and have had fantastic visions with a lot of meaning, but fail to bring the message home.
I also find some hoard knowledge for themselves.
Some go to the top of the mountain, and their bones rattle freely to this day.

So if one does merge, the problem is to remember the message, to come down from the mountain top, and delivering the message to those willing and wise enough to be willing to listen and be willing to change (not necessarily for the better).


A lot of religions or practices have things in common, and it might be good to learn and practice those.
Then again, some want no religion and do just fine.
The issue I see with both is the same as the mystic, to share the news with others. I agree with Alan Watts, sometimes the Holy Man is far from holy. One person once said to me to know and make love with your demons. Then you can have true humility.


Well said man, thank you!^^

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Yup, read this - it covers all that shit and what you are running inot is (partially) the divine paradox: The Kybalion PDF, archived link.

It’s pretty short and covers just about the whole thing, I found it clarified all these kinds of areas without requiring a belief system.


Thank you!^^ This book does look promising :slight_smile:

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